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Gah, there was always a condition. Could no one just have a simple bet anymore?
Marcus chewed on his bottom lip for a moment while he considered her 'condition.' Did she know that he really hated flying? And that he never backed down from a challenge which had got him into so much trouble when he had been younger and could possibly again.
He looked over his shoulder at his wife and knew she was probably going to kill him for this but he couldn't himself. So Marcus found himself turning back to look at Evelyn and nodded, "You. Are. On."
He gave the thestral a gentle nudge and moved up beside Evelyn, "Oh and if you cheat the bet is void." He flicked his wand at the halfway point and then re-holstered it, "A bell will sound as soon as your thestral hits the halfway mark and only then can you take to the air."
Marcus stuck out his hand again and raised his eyebrows, "Are we agreed, now?"
Evelyn saw him glance over his shoulder to someone, or something, before taking her bet. Good. This will be mighty interesting.
But of course, her happy expression fell when he told her what he did to the halfway point.
Now she couldn't cheat. Well, at least now she could know if he cheated or not. Although, how was she supposed to know if he somehow jinxed the halfway point to make her thestral trip or become confused, or made it so the bell would go off sooner for him?! This Professor was a sneaky one, and she had to keep all possibilities open. Then again, Professor Morgan seemed to be really protective of her animals and creatures and would surely have his head if he hurt one of the thestrals, husband or not. Unless he blamed it on her...
"Yes, agreed." she said with a slightly nod, although she wasn't going to shake his hand. That was way too close to her personal space and she didn't want Lawsguini germs to be clouding her breathing air either. Too late though. He already scooted his thestral closer to hers.
Smirking at Destiny, having confidence that she would win the race, although slightly nervous too about the possibility of losing, Evelyn cleared her throat and looked back over to Lawson. Well, now here was a problem...
"Who's going to count down?"