Originally Posted by
Ivy Nienna Ivory rushed up the stairs her bloody matted air streaming behind her, observing how up ahead someone had reverted her thorned roses leading up to the fourth floor to little seedlings. No matter her fellow defender had fixed it.
Seeing the band of students attempting to rush onto the fourth floor staircase, she smiled hoping her earlier casted trip Jinxes and Glisseo on the staircase leading to the fourth floor would be enough to pause them for a few seconds.
"Stupefy!Incarcerous! Impedimenta!" A flurry of spells flew from her wand as her legs brought her closer to her opponents.
Running in a haphazard zigzag pattern to avoid being hit by anything, she brought up her shield as she rushed them.
Taking the back of their small group, Lorelai pulled her shield up and scowled at the first year. Come ON! How did she know these spells? Ey? She certainly shouldn't have. Definately shouldn't have know all these spells they were using.
She had taken over from Sarah, in shielding their little group and concentrated REAL hard which looking behind her every so often.
Originally Posted by
RaRaRachieee Up Up Up. Eeep. Roses, and huge thorns. Okay Brody totally needed an eye test because she did not see that until one of the nice thorns gauged at her robes. "Ouch." Not nice. She pouted at the flowers. How dare they hurt her. "Reverto." She pointed her wand at them, hoping that at least some of them would disappear, so that they could get through.
"Come on guys." Woot. They were through, but so where some of those annoying people.
"Oi. Not so fast." Because that was totally unfair. "Stupefy!" She shouted, pointing her wand straight at Ivory, hoping that she would get her, because the n they could get after Miranda. They needed to save her. Oh, and now the floor had glisseno on again. Fun times.
Originally Posted by
MeredithRodneyMcKay Puffing and panting, Sarah had made her way to the front of the pack, just in case they met with hostility on the next level.But that wasn't what she came face to face with, instead it was...ROSES?
Must have been that silly little first year that tried it on with the flames.Was she really 11? 'cos these were spells an older kid would know.OH GOD! Maybe the bartender had been aging them as well as imperiousing them?! And how the hell had she got up to the third floor before they had?!
The anger was rising now, she had to get to Miranda and Oliver, had to save them.And with the help of Brody, Kay and Lori that is exactly what she was going to do. "You obviously don't know what you're dealing with!" she shouted as loudly as she could. "Roses will not stop us from getting to our friend!"
"Come on guys," she breathlessly said to the group, beckoning them to crowd around her. "Transfig, remember? Reverto and these things will be no more than bulbs before we know it."
Hearing movement from down below, Sarah quickly pointed her wand at the mass and cast the spell wordlessly.If this continued she'd need a rest.A lonnnnngggg rest.
Annnnnnd Lori was very good at this.The first lot of roses were gone in no time, but that still left some more for them to tackle.Not big ones though, and Sarah really wasn't in the mood to keep concentrating on teeny tiny little flowers. "Well done, Lori...but you know what? I really don't care if I get scratched right now, and there aren't too many left, plus we need to leave something to block their way.Just get ready to runnnnnn...." and with that she started grabbing at the roses and pulling them, making a path for them to get through.
When she'd managed to clear some out the way, Sarah pointed her wand and wearily cast another couple of "Reverto"'s at the remaining ones.Ehhh magic couldn't hurt a little, right? But her addrenalin was telling her to pullllll. "Runnnnnnnnnnnnn" she screamed, yanking the roses she'd already pulled back over the stairs once they were all through.
"PAPILIO!" She shouted loudly, with all the concentration she could and sent a flurry of butteflies in the direction of Mr. PoopyHead miniions way.
Grinning a little, Lori followed Sarah and the others THROUGH the thorned roses, pushing her way through, tramping them as she did so. Sure, she got a few scratched but who cared!