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Samuel Huxley
Samuel patted his pockets and the galleons inside rattled. The 22 galleons he had just given to Prospero had barely made a dent in what he had made tonight. "Oh believe me mate, the pleasure was all mine."
Now onto other business, Samuel reached down with hand and grasped the blond by the upper arm and hauled her back to her feet.
"Aww look at you trying to figure it all out. I can see all your little theories running around in that pretty head of yours." Samuel let her arm go and trained his wand on her instead.
"Why don't you tell me what you have come up with." Because in the end it wasn't going to matter if she was right, she wouldn't be able to tell anyone anyway. Not for what he had planned for her.
Celandine winced but didn't say a thing at being manhandled in such a way. She'd probably have a few fingerprint bruises on her arm though.
She shook her head roughly.
"I don't know anything. You're making people duel for money and you aren't a real bartender."
Lies! She'd figured out so much more than that!
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"Don't move." He told the girl in her weakened state. "Stay down. You're going to bleed to death if you don't." She had already removed what appeared to be a glassy sharp object from her arm? The ice spikes, of course. She probably shouldn't have removed it as doing so would open the wound and cause severe bleeding.
Prospero drew his wand in an almost violent fashion as he knealt down to the girl. He made to make it look like a threat, but what came out of his mouth was far less fearful. "Because I do not like going back on my word, you're to follow me and make it look very unpleasant. That is, if you ever want to make it back to that castle." What followed was a soft murming of sorts as he healed her arm and summoned the tooth from within her side.
She peeked down at the Arena in relief, holding in a choked little sob.
why did she kind of feel like she owed Prospero now? The fact that he was sticking to his side of the bargain and helping Ivory... Celandine mentally thanked him but now she had to face this 'Samuel Huxley'.