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Once they were back into the paddock, Marcus stopped and looked around to make sure that one) his wife was alright and two) all the thestrals had followed along with the students.
He stood beside a large box that seemed to contain what looked like helmets and an assortment of padding.
At Sarah's question, Marcus gave her a small wink and was wearing a very secretive smile. "Well actually I was going to ask you all that? Over the term I have covered muggle sports in our lessons. So here we all are standing on a field with a herd of thestrals. What do you think we will be doing today?"
Miranda chuckled at how Sarah was so close and eyeing the invisible creature. She was kind of glad that she couldn't see it either. Having friends who had seen death was not something she wished upon them.
But now they walked back to the paddock, the Captain was a bit sad to have stepped out of the forest. IT was mysterious and...dark. An Auror to-be should know all of the dark secrets of a forest, she thought.
Oh for the love of chocolate frogs...
Miranda eyed the box and could only imagine what they would do. But being half muggle did give her an idea as to what people could expect with a creature that looked like a HORSE.
The Captain glanced at Sarah with a worried expression, and then raised her hand tentatively.
"Sir...Are we going to... mount the horse- I mean Thestrals?" OOEEEHeHeHeheheeeeeeeeeeee!