Thread: Harry Potter: Abby - Sa +13
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Old 03-16-2010, 06:07 PM   #25 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jeremy Bradford
Fifth Year
Default Chapter Four: Part Two
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."

Sorry for such a long break before this post, but I was away for Spring Break and didn't have time to get on the computer.

Professor Snape stared at me for a couple of moments, clearly noticing that something was off, but I quickly shuffled past him, and took my seat next to Hermione. Snape followed me in, sneaking another glance at me before he took his position at the front of the classroom.

"Today we will be making the Ravenous potion, which is helpful in healing rashes or burns caused my spells or jinxes. You can find the steps in your potions book."

Everyone flipped in their books to the appropriate page, and several let out moans and sighs of disbelief as we observed the complicated series of steps sitting in front of us.

"This will be a good indicator for me to see which of you have a chance of getting an excellent on your O.W.L.s. I feel that most of you will not be receiving one..." He looked at Neville Longbottom who was eyeing one of the roots skeptically as he finished his sentence.

"He just wants to be cruel, doesn't he? Gets some kind of sick pleasure from it," grumbled Ron as we went to the front to collect our supplies.

"I have to admit this is a rather complicated potion for the first day of class after three months of summer," replied Hermione who was skillfully juggling all her supplies in her arms.

If you are paying attention to my thoughts Miss Carson, look over at me

I kept my body as calm and relaxed as possible as I heard the sound of Snape's thoughts drip into my mind. Since I was keeping such a diligent track on Harry's mind, I was finding it more difficult to tune out the people around me as well as I normally could. I had no desire to talk to Snape, or to hear what he had to say, so I pulled down my supplies and headed back to the table.

I am aware that you can hear me Miss Carson. Do not pretend that you can't.

I continued to line all my supplies on the table in front of me, before bending down to start the flame beneath my cauldron. When I stood up I saw that Snape had positioned himself so that he was right in my line of sight.

I would like to have a word with you after class.

I nodded my head at him reluctantly and started to work on my potion. Unfortunately none of us were wrong about the difficultly of making this potion. I listened to the angry mutterings around me, the curses streaming through people's minds, and the frustrated "why isn't this working?" from Hermione. By the time the class was over most of us weren't finished. Some had completed the potion only to find it was a deep violet color rather than the neon orange that it was supposed to be. Snape walked around looking disgusted by not surprised. I threw in the last ingredient and smiled as it shifted from yellow to orange.

"Woah Abby. How'd you do that?" asked Ron whose own cauldron was holding a vomit green colored concoction.

"Well done Miss Carson. Perhaps you can try and assist your friends next time. After class."

People began collecting their bags and cleaning their potions out of their cauldrons. I pulled out three vials and poured my potion into them before tucking them into my bag. Potion making was like cooking to me, and it didn't seem to matter how complicated the potion was, I made it successfully. I could sense it sometimes frustrated Hermione who usually could make the potion, but found it much harder than me.

"Nice job Abby. That is really useful to have," said Hermione with a smile.

"I can help you with it later," I whispered to her as help streamed through her mind.

"Thanks," she said with a laugh.

"Are you coming Abby?" asked Harry as they all started to leave but I hung behind.

"I'll be there in a minute," I said with a smile.

First Dumbledore, now Snape? What is going on?

Hermione and Ron shuffled Harry out the door and pulled it closed behind them. I turned to see Professor Snape standing behind his desk, staring at me intently.

"Take a seat Miss Carson," he said, motioning with his hand.

I went over calmly and sat down, setting my bag down beside me. I looked around the room, waiting for him to state his purpose for pulling me aside.

"I am aware of what Dumbledore has asked of you, and I am wondering how that is going," he said, his face completely blank.

"Everything is fine," I said, just as curt.

"Is it really? You looked rather disturbed before you walked into class this morning."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not sure what you are talking about Professor. I'm fine."

"Do not treat me like a fool Miss Carson, I don't care for it."

I stared at him. I leaned forward in my chair. "Just because Dumbledore is so keen on trusting you, that doesn't mean that I am."

Snape's eyebrows went up. "Well Miss Carson it is about time that you said it out loud."

"I think we're done here," I said standing up and pulling my bag over my shoulder.

"Miss Carson may I ask why it is that you will not trust me. I have never done anything but protect Potter despite my intense dislike of him."

I turned and stared at him. "It's not what you've done's what you're going to do. Have a good day."

I walked out of the classroom and let the door slam behind me, Snape's confused thoughts and desperate pleas for me to explain running through my mind.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know

If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
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