SS Featured AuthorTürk Bilgini Bugbear
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: {in a leap of faith}
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Sarani Glass Graduated x12
| ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Dear Littleredhead,
Advanced Astronomy is NOT a piece of cake.
One would think that, what with all my love for stars, I would find the subject easy to handle. But I see why they call O.W.L year tough, now – OWL-level Astronomy is not a bunch of words about pretty stars and random, shiny things.
It is, in fact, quite a complex subject.
That said, I can not say I think I will fail at it, or anything. It requires practice, yes, but that does not mean I can not grasp it. Because I can, thank you very much.
On a MUCH more important note, I have to say, my relationship with Mr. T has not been very rosy, either. We get along fine, we have a lot of fun together, but there is definitely something that the two of us lack. Well, not the two of us. It is... more like our relationships lacks something. Something very special.
Take the other day, for instance. It was a Sunday, actually, not past seven in the morning. I woke up early, slipped into something decent - a lovely pink dress with matching heels, to be exact - and headed into the grounds, for a walk. Conjured a beautiful trio of purple butterflies, on the way – the Purple Trilogy – and followed that up by producing, with the help of my nifty wand, a bunch of gorgeous silver ones.
Which was when Mr. T crashed into the lovely scene, and announced that he could not know which was prettier – me, or the purple and silver butterflies.
Pfft! He ought to know that, splendid though any amount of butterflies that I conjure is, I am obviously much prettier. I do, after all, have the most awesome hair. Have you seen this shade of red, anywhere? Other than in my hair, I mean. Of course not, Littleredhead, you can not have. There is no person on earth, who has hair that can rise up to the standard of prettiness that mine have set. Well, maybe Dylan Denver is an exception?
Of course, it is not as if I like him, or anything. He is not a bad guy, not really, and I know he has awesome hair, the kind of blonde that falls into his eyes, sometimes; and makes me want to look at him but – wait a second! That is NOT true!
… and you know what the most ironic part is?
I saw him, when I was talking to Mr. T. In the Courtyard. Dylan Denver. Not sure if he saw me, but he definitely left, as soon as I caught sight of him. It made my heart skip a beat. Not in a good way, either. It was almost like I did not want him to leave and – and Mr. T chose that moment to announce that Dylan Denver is a prat.
I told Mr. T that I kind of hate him, but... but the fact is, even after Dylan Denver had gone, and I had Mr. T to hug for warmth and to get rid of the not-so-happy memories of Dylan Denver, I could not help but feel that I was not too happy, and that I wanted him back.
Which, of course, I did not. I mean, that would be plain silly, why in the name of Merlin’s pink cat with orange toes would I ever want to see him, when I have Mr. T, and especially when I do not get along with Dylan Denver and – and I am NOT going to mention Dylan Denver again, it is just not right. He has no right to be in my diary. Which he is not, not really, I just mention him because I obviously do not like him.
I need some chocolate, to take my mind off this.
Maybe I should just stick my astronomy homework, in here? I worked hard on it, and that certainly paid off, because it was returned with a happy O scribbled in the top, left corner. Maybe I can scrape that O in this OWL, after all? The homework is attached, to the next page, with a permanent sticking charm. Text Cut: Advanced Astronomy Homework
Write an essay about either a) IF you believe the cosmic allignment could affect Earth, possibly destroying it and why
b) If you do NOT believe it, why
c) Scientists agree that the Earth will end, which theory do you agree with and why? Option b b) If you do NOT believe it, why To begin with, it is important to describe exactly what a cosmic alignment is. An alignment is, in itself, the static orientation of an object in relation to others or, to quote The Free Dictionary, the “arrangement [of objects] in a straight line.”
A cosmic alignment, such as the one discussed in our curriculum, is known as ‘Syzygy,’ a word which takes root in late Latin and which is used, in astronomy, to denote the alignment of three or more celestial bodies in the same gravitational system, along one line.
Now, to talk of whether a syzygy – when taken in terms of our subject – could affect the earth. For a major disaster to happen, the planets would have to be in the exact, same line. This, however, is impossible, in terms of view from the sun – the disparity in the axial tilts, or obliquity, of various planets does not allow them, as a rule, to position themselves in a way that the solar system can, as a whole, be considered an instance of the spin rotatory motion, where every planet is a ‘particle’ through which an imaginary ‘axis of rotation’ can pass.
To state Dr. Donald Luttermoser of the East Tennessee State University, “It is impossible for all the planets to form a straight line out from the Sun because each planetary orbit is tilted slightly with respect to the Earth's orbit.” What can happen – and does happen – then, is that the planets position themselves in the same ‘quadrant’ or, in other words, be in a range of 90-95° of each other. This actually occurs once about every 200 years which, in itself, is a proof that the earth is safe – if such an ‘alignment’ could cause disaster, it would have been caused, by now. We have an instance to take heed of in the case of John Gribbin, author of The Jupiter Effect, who predicted that the world would come to an end 1983, due to cosmic alignment. One needs no citation to state that it did not!
Now, one ‘reason to fear’ is, according to many people, gravity. Could a planetary ‘alignment’ mean enough force of gravity, to rip the earth into two? Let us work with our calculators. The strength of gravity of a body, on another body, depends upon the square of distance between both. If we work through our numbers, we find that the total pull of the planets, on the earth, is 0.017. This is not even two percent of the moon’s pull. Is that piece of information important, you ask? It is.
It is known that the moon’s pull on the earth fluctuates by 25% every orbit. In other words, due to the comparatively smaller distance between the two bodies, the gravitational pull of the moon, on the earth, can change to the point where it is ten times greater than that of all the other planets combined -- and even than it is only 0.000003 times of the earth’s! In other words, the only effect the ‘fearsome’ forces of gravity can have on the earth is to… maybe pull a few tides.
Now, let us take the example of any on year, in history – say, 2000. We see that multiple planter conjunctions – and not alignments, as they are wrongly called – occur roughly ten times. Dr. Luttermoser takes these apart, one by one, to answer queries that time has already answered: “Did the Earth tilt over? No. Did tidal forces trigger earthquakes? No. Did the polar ice caps melt? No. Were you even able to see the conjunctions? Not really.” Is there really any room for discussion, after all these facts have been discussed? Really, earthlings, we are safe, so let’s go and get some popcorn! Things to do:
♥ Not mention HIM, again.
♥ Get some chocolate.
Last edited by Maxilocks; 03-16-2010 at 12:33 PM.