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Old 03-15-2010, 05:41 PM
Slytherin Fox Slytherin Fox is offline
Default Divination Lesson 3 - The Rising Sign

Antonio rushed into the classroom, appearing exhausted and somewhat under stress. He wondered whether anyone would notice this, and hoped they would not. He immediately set to work, setting out textbooks at the front of the room as he had done for previous lessons. He had decided not to tell the students that he had made a decision not to return to Hogwarts as a professor next year, opting instead to return to his homeland of Hollian, and that his daughter Antonia would be attending as a student here next term. That was the main reason he had decided not to return, to avoid any controversy. But all of that was irrelevant, he was here to finish this final lesson here today and that was what mattered at this point.

"All right, students, please pick up a copy of the textbook as well as the calculator and we'll get started soon," he promised.

Calculator -
Rising Sign Calculator-Calculate Your Rising Sign-Horoscopes Within

Textbook -
The Ascendant, Rising Sign in Astrology