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Old 03-14-2010, 07:42 PM   #11 (permalink)
Slytherin Fox

Swedish Short-Snout
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alex Black
First Year
SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady

The students of Hogwarts dashed to the Great Hall in confusion, they had no idea why an emergency meeting of the entire school had just been called. They were bustling into the hall, singularly and in groups. Already the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, was standing in front of the assembled group, stroking his unusually long gray beard as if in deep thought. But what was strangest of all about the sight was the fact that the sorting hat was there with him, sitting on a stool next to the headmaster. It was the middle of the term and there were never sortings except at the very beginning of the school year.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Attention, all students," he began. "You have all been brought here for a very special reason today. As you know, there have been only four houses of Hogwarts through the years, but we recently have had reason to believe that there should indeed be a fifth house, and that house should be called Fluffybuttons. Because of this we have decided to resort all of you today and see where you might truly fit."

"What? Fluffybuttons? Ron snorted. "This is quite ludicrous."

"Sssh," hissed Hermione. "We have to go along with whatever they are doing, you know the rules."

One by one, the students filed up to be sorted, some ending up in the new Fluffybuttons house, of course. When Draco Malfoy sauntered up, a smirk on his face, it was evident that he had complete confidence that he would be sorted back into Gryffindor once again. No one had ever seen such an expression of shock when the hat shouted "Fluffybuttons!"

Draco jumped up, outraged. "I will destroy that stupid hat!", he fumed.

"Careful, Draco," Professor Snape urged. "The sorting hat has made this decision for a reason. The sorting hat is never wrong." One couldn't help but note that there was a curious expression on Snape's face as well, almost as if he were enjoying Draco's discomfort.

"Fine, but father will deal with this," Draco promised, taking his seat at the new table with a mutter.

Harry Potter walked up nervously to have the hat placed on his head, anxious over his prior experience with the hat. Unlike Draco, he feared that the hat would once again insist that he be placed in Slytherin, but it gave a different answer this time.

"Fluffybuttons!", the hat said unconditionally.

Fluffybuttons? This was almost as bad as being put into Slytherin, since Malfoy had already been put in the same house. Harry knew better than to argue at this moment, Draco had already done a good job of that, but he would come and speak to the headmaster about this later. He knew that Dumbledore's door was always open for him. With a slight grumble under his breath, he went and took a seat at the Fluffybuttons table, eyeing Malfoy uncertainly as he did so. This was going to be so hard, the sorting ceremony had finished and Harry would be here without his two best friends. Ron and Hermione had both been resorted into Gryffindor.

Suddenly, every students' attention was directed to the front of the room once again as Professor Snape began to groan and make noises as if he were in pain. He seemed to be growing larger in front of their every eyes, and suddenly began to shift into a form no one had ever seen him take before. Within moments Snape had taken the shape of a giant squid, and went squirming off towards the area of the lake.

"This house is cursed," Draco hissed.

As if to fortify Draco's words, a loud sound was heard. It sounded like thuds hitting the outside wall of the school, lots of things hitting, as if there were small bombs coming from somewhere. "Excuse me a moment," Headmaster Dumbledore said.

A few moments later the headmaster returned and made another disturbing announcement. "It appears that turtles are attacking the school and are now dive bombing outside the building. Students are ordered not to go outside and you can be assured that the staff will be dealing with the situation and keeping you all updated."

"First Snape becomes a squid and now we're being attacked by turtles," a girl who Harry didn't know mused. "What else is going to happen today?"

That question was answered quickly as the most curious sight of all, even more curious than the sight of Snape turning into a giant squid, entered the Great Hall. It appeared to be a giant caramel, butterscotch, chocolate and raspberry sundae, and it was floating across the room effortlesslessly, dripping some of its topping as it moved. The tables had been set up alphabetically, and Fluffybuttons was immediately next to Gryffindor, so Harry could still see his good friends, at least. He rolled his eyes at Ron and Hermione, this was the craziest day ever.

Just then the sundae stopped its aimless wandering and turned towards where Harry was sitting. It began to fall from the sky, landing immediately between the Fluffybuttons and Gryffindor tables. All of the students at both tables were splashed with syrup, some of them were completely covered in a combination of ice cream, whipped cream, nuts and various syrups. Unfortunately, one of those students was Draco Malfoy.

"This is the most disgusting mess I have ever seen! Father will have a fit!", he complained as all the other students laughed.

It was at that moment the strangest thing of all happened. Hermione suddenly looked towards Draco and said the words no one ever expected to hear her say. "Draco Malfoy, I love you," she said very clearly and unmistakably. "I've always loved you, I've just never been able to tell you until today. Now that you are in Fluffybuttons we can share our love and be together."

"Disgusting," Ron muttered, directing his comment to Harry.

My elements for a new challenge -
1. Hermione, Pansy, Lavender and Luna all make the Hogwarts cheerleading team.
2. Hagrid gifts each student with a singing flobberworm.
3. Neville invents a new type of peanut butter.
4. Pink balloons will fill the halls of Hogwarts.
5. Harry and Pansy will dance the tango together.
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