Originally Posted by
Con_Stripes "If you die, what? You can do better than that Jake." Truebridge frowned slightly, not noticing the stutter, just that the answer seemed... incomplete.
Ethan turned to face Miranda and spoke quite expressionlessly. "If you do not wish to be here and learn you are more than welcome to leave. This is a theory class and, as with all things, the best place to begin is at the beginning. Knowing why we do things is often a fundamental component in doing things well and aids in understanding any opponent one is up against." He paused and looked around the class.
"Lost knowledge is lost skill. If you do not have the basic knowledge in which to anchor your skills, you will never truly master them. And knowledge never gained? It amounts to skill never gained. So I would appreciate your patience and your attention." He looked to Miranda again as he finished talking in his quiet tone, which somehow carried throughout the arena all the same.
"Uh-uh," Jake shook his head, twirling his hair slightly with the end of his quill. If he'd have opened his mouth to speak it would have sounded more like
But he did have something to add. And he shifted around, not knowing if he could still add to the answers... and not really wanting to anyway.
Instead, the boy just continued the hair twirling and looked pointedly out of the window.
Truebridge scared him when he spoke like that, in the big explanation. Jake didn't really want to be here. But he chose to try and hide the panic and still he stared out the window.