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"Yeah that would be a smart idea," she agreed with a smile. Her house was already freakish colors enough. It was pretty though and she wouldn't change it for the world. "Yes. Except my older brother's are more mature so they don't really bother me anymore." They grew up and learned better. They had brains unlike Ethan or Willie. "Well they both play the guitar. I do too. And the piano and drums. Somewhat," she explained. That was her passion. Music. Song writing just suited her. Someday she was going to sing for a job. "I never really liked history. Unless I had more of a visual. That's why living in Boston helped with the learning experience. I have a short attention span and can't seem to shut my mouth," she added with a shrug. "I have a muggle disorder called ADHD." At least it seemed to be wearing down so it wasn't as bad anymore. It was annoying. She was annoying. "Wow," Thalia sounded impressed. Her? "America, France, England, Mexico, and New Zealand I believe," she told him.That had been New Zealand she went to right? Over summer break in like first grade. "Do you have a girlfriend?" she wondered out loud.
Aidan nodded at her works and smirked. "Just a thought," he said. He laughed slightly as she spoke about her brothers. "You're lucky, my brothers pretend to be mature, then they start speaking." He grinned and nodded at her words. "That's cool about being more visual, I prefer reading so I don't mind visual arts and such things, but I perfer books. I can understand, most people don't like history, I'm just one of the weirdos." He smiled at her as she spoke and he nodded quietly. "I love travelling...I'm jealous of you." He arched an eyebrow as she asked him about having a girlfriend. "No, I'm single. Do you have a boyfriend?"