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Old 03-13-2010, 05:08 AM   #153 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
" Ok. so I am not older in age, but in being a tenured employee in this department" J.J. Starr told Antigone. " Oh no, the Division heads and you are cool with me" Joe Jon Montcenaggio said to Antigone. " I meant it is the other employees from the Magical Department that make me feel different" J.J. explained to Antigone.
" I had been working with Samantha Rose and Jake Rider forever and I seemed to get really important assignments from them" J.J. Starr told Antigone. " Thank you for saying nice things about my marriage and my new child" Joe Jon Montcenaggio told Antigone. " I always do my work and do it hard" J.J. reminded Antigone. " Thanks for the talk" he told Antigone. J.J. Starr knew he should be one of the bosses but he kept getting turned down without any good reasons.
Antigone kept all emotion from her face as J.J. spoke again. She nodded her head and said, "Well, I am not sure what you are trying to say, J.J. but you all are getting the same assignments from here on in. You all are working on the same projects, I will not show any special treatment... Sorry." She began to tap her fingers on her desk in rapid motion. "I do apologize for any bad feelings that you may have toward the other employees and if you give me names of those who are being rude or disrespectful to you in any way I would be more than happy to have a word with them. We all have to work together here, J.J. I will not tolerate anyone not being a team player." she said to him with a soft tone. "Now, if that is all you wanted to speak to me about..." she trailed off waiting to see if he had anything else to discuss.
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