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Old 03-12-2010, 07:08 PM   #476 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post
"It's not that you can't remember, Alexa, it's that your mind is trying to protect you by blocking those memories." He winced with his own words, holding her tight with one arm while he continued to stroke her cheek and wipe away her tears.

"You are scared Alexa. You are scared and hurt, and that's okay. But you are safe now. Please, you have to trust me in that. You have to believe you are safe, that we will take care of you." She needed to relax; if she did, she might be able to remember something, but if not, at the very least she would feel better.

He held back on the rest of his questions; giving her time to cry, to get it out of her system, rocking her gently.
Alexa allowed herself to be rocked and have her tears wiped away.But she shook her head in disagreement. "No, Sabel... this is so different. It's like someone wiped my memory or something. All I can remember are the things I heard, nothing that I saw or where I was... It's all blank. I could have been obliviated or something," she said in a panic.
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