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AmbiguouslyMe Tibi squinted his eyes shut tight and held his breath as Jake lifted him. Grimacing as he reached forward for the book, Tiberius pulling it forward and, unable to properly grasp it, felt it slip through his hands and fall too the ground.
"Uh, I do think I'm going to need more help," Tibi squeaked, looking down at the ground.
"Like, actually reaching my cauldron."
Keeley sighed, walking back into the murky potions lab. She had left her sketchpad on her workstation. Typical airheadedness. Pushing back a strand of bright blue hair, she walked to the table she had been using, where she found some Hufflepuff she didn't know and- a reeeeeeally shruken boy in her house and year who she had never really talked to. Grabbing her prized possesion, she approached the two, hesitently asking, "Um, do you guys need any help?"