Thread: Bathroom
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Old 03-11-2010, 07:03 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Rory Thompson
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Originally Posted by XxSkaterJonasxX View Post
Kat walked into the bathroom with a bag and some packs of water balloons. She skipped over to the sink and opened one pack. She strarted filling some up but then couldn't steady her bag. Hmmmmm... This was a job for two people. People who are best friends.

She looked around and noticed ....... LUCY!!!! YAY!!!!!

"Lucy Lou!!!!!" she called to her. "Would you be so kind and help me with these please" she grinned at her. If she only knew who was going to get water bombed. Three guesses who.

Kat then remembered Lucys birthday had passed. Oh jeez!! What kind of best friend was she?? Well better late than never right??

"Oh by the way HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.
Lucy was busy applying mascara to her eye lashes so she didn't noticed it when a girl walked into the bathroom and started filling up water balloons. But as she finished and was tucking her stuff away, the girl yelled her name really loudly and Lucy jumped a little. Only after turning her head did she realize that it was her best friend, Kat, who had been in the bathroom with her all along.
"Kat! Oh my gosh, where have you been?!" Lucy said with a squeal and gave her a tight hug. She seriously needed to plan some Kat and Lucy time so they could catch up some stuff.
As for the water balloons, Lucy narrowed her eyes but then rolled her eyes, laughing a bit. "I can only guess who these are for," She said and then held onto the balloon so she could fill it. But then Kat yelled again and this time, Lucy smiled.
"Aww, thanks Kitty Kat! You're so sweet!" She said with a giggle. She loved it when it was her birthday.
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