Hi, I'm back
Is there room in the queue?
Can I please have a set please?
Size: Regulation sizes please.
Image for
Images for PP:
1 2 3
Text: First we had each other, Then we had you, Now we have everything
Anything Else: no browns, golds or dark greens. A modern type of font please. I love the 1 photo so if you don't feel inspired to use the second and third photos then don't, I just included them to give you some options.
Images for siggie:
1 2 3
Text: Now my belly is as noble as my heart
Anything Else: Again, photo 1 is the one that I like most, the others are just there to give you some options. Can you use the same font & colours for both PP and Siggie please?
Thanks in advance my lovely ladies
J xxx