Thread: Making of
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Old 09-30-2004, 11:05 PM   #1096 (permalink)
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OOC; Ok I'll try t give an overview, ok When Oliver and James arrived, everyone kinda met up in the hallway. Then Katie came in and said that we should start filming. Then the lights now have gone off and are flickering, and there is a big shadow behind Katie, and everyone I think has an idea of who it is, but just in case we can't reveal until cooly_s posts, but until then, Oliver is building up the tension for Katie, while James keeps **letting things slip a little by making dumb mistakes, that Oliver and James himself have to cover up**

okie and the new character of mine I guess will come in soon, I just have to find a good moment to bring her in, maybe I'll change my plan.....hmmm..
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