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Old 03-09-2010, 12:51 AM   #40 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Not the beach
Posts: 7,087
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

Alrighty, here's the next post! I hope you enjoy!

It was one in the afternoon when Emily made her way back to her dormitory. She expected it to be empty, thinking everyone else was in class. She hugged herself closely as she ascended the last flight of stairs. She felt empty, void of feeling. She had tears in her heart and confusion in her veins. She didn’t understand any of it. She whispered the password to the nosy Fat Lady and trudged inside. Fred was sitting in an armchair, his head in his hands, staring at the fire. George was pacing back and forth in front of Fred, looking worried. He inclined his head toward Emily and stopped dead in his tracks. Fred turned to see who had entered and jumped up from his chair.

“Emily!” they both exclaimed at the same time.

“Are you okay?” George asked, hurrying over to her side.

“Not really,” she replied, looking at the floor. “Did the news spread that quickly?” she asked them.

“We wouldn’t really know. As soon as Lupin dismissed us, we came straight here to wait for you,” replied George. He looked sincerely worried about her, and, for that, she was grateful.

“So you were in the class I interrupted then?” she asked them.

“Yeah, we saw it all,” answered Fred.

Emily nodded. “Shouldn’t you two be in class or something?” she asked.

“We have a free period. We dropped Divination last year."

Emily chuckled despite herself. “Smart move. I dropped it yesterday.”

Fred and George smiled half-heartedly, nodding their agreement.

“I’m gonna take a shower and clean up. I’ll see you later I guess,” she said after a minute of awkward silence.

The twins moved aside and she made her way up the stairs to her dormitory. She grabbed her charcoal gray sweats and a lime green T-shirt. She glanced over at her side table and saw her picture frame. Sighing, she picked it up and sat down at the edge of her bed. She watched as the little girl laughed along with her godfather as they carved a pumpkin. She watched them smile, having a good time. She envied them. Life seemed so much simpler when she was younger. Where did the time go? she thought to herself. She placed the frame back in its place and stood slowly. She made her way to the bathroom, dragging her feet. Turning the water knob to hot, she held her hand under the faucet waiting for the water to heat up. When it finally reached her desired temperature, she pushed a button and the water started spraying from the showerhead. She undressed quickly and stepped into the tub. She shivered once, causing goose bumps to flare up and down her body. She lifted her head up and let the burning water flow over her face. The pressure of the water loosened her tight muscles. She washed her hair and then her body. She shaved her legs and washed away all of the loose bubbles on her body. She stood under the burning water for a few minutes before sighing and turning off the faucet.

Emily grabbed a fluffy white towel and fastened it under her arms. She walked over to the mirror and studied her expression. She tucked her damp hair behind her ears and looked deep into her own eyes. She was looking back at Sirius Black’s daughter, a murderer’s daughter. She was disgusted with herself to have his blood pulsing through her veins. Getting sick of looking at herself, she dried herself off and got dressed. She dried her hair with her towel and pulled her fingers through it to relieve a few of the knots. She dragged her feet back to her room and put her wet towel and dirty clothes in a basket. Deciding she wanted to sit by the fire, she made her way back downstairs. Expecting that the twins had left, she thought she would be alone.

“You two are still here, huh?” she asked them.

“We wanted to make sure you were okay,” replied George.

“Emily, you know if you want to talk, we are here for you,” continued Fred while George nodded his head fervently.

Emily looked at the two red heads. Out of the entire school, these two were her best friends. They had grown pretty close last year, and she knew she was lucky to have them both. They hadn't talked much since they've gotten back this year and that was mainly due to Draco, and their time spent together. She wanted to change that; she missed her best friends.

“If I were to tell you something, would you promise to not disown me as a friend?” she asked hesitantly.

“Disown you? Why would we ever disown you?” George asked, confused.

“Just promise me,” she replied. Fred and George both nodded and she motioned for them to take a seat on the couch. Emily sat in between them and took both of their hands in hers, holding them tightly. She didn’t want to give them a chance to leave, to run away from her. She looked down at their intertwined fingers. George gently squeezed her hand, letting her know that they weren’t going anywhere.

Emily wasn’t sure how to start so they sat there in silence. “I guess I’ll start with last year. You know how I was always in the library and you thought that I was just studying?” she asked. She saw them both nod in her peripheral vision. “I wasn’t studying. I was looking for something, for someone.” Emily glanced up at the flames of the fire. “I was trying to find out who my parents were. Remus wouldn’t tell me, so I had no other choice but to research it myself. I found nothing.” She sensed their searching eyes upon her face, but didn’t make eye contact. “I don’t deserve to live,” she whispered suddenly. She heard Fred’s intake of breath and George’s gasp.

“What in the name of Merlin are talking about?” George asked.

“He’s a murderer. He’s the reason Harry doesn’t have parents,” she whispered. She held onto their hands, not allowing them to let go.

“Your Dad is You Know Who?” Fred asked incredulously.

Emily frowned. “No, he isn’t Voldemort,” she stated impatiently. She heard both of their intakes of breath at the sound of his name. “He killed those people, my Mum, he betrayed his friends.” Emily glanced at both of them but they still seemed confused. “He broke out of Azkaban,” she whispered. They both gasped and tightened their hold on her hands.

“Sirius...Sirius Black is your Dad?” Fred asked. Emily nodded and let her tears fall silently down her cheeks.

“How am I suppose to look at Harry ever again without feeling guilty? How am I suppose to be his friend when my Dad is the reason his parents are dead?”

“You're not at fault for his actions, Emily,”
George said after a little while. “You aren’t him and you never will be. Stop punishing yourself.” George knelt down in front of her, his hand still in hers. She kept her eyes on her lap, not wanting to look at him. George lifted his forefinger to her chin and brought her face up to look at him. “It isn’t your fault, Ems,” he whispered. Fred nodded his agreement from beside her.

George brushed away her tears with his fingertips and then leaned in to hug her. Fred joined in and they sat like that for a while. Emily cried softly in the crook of his neck. After about fifteen minutes, Emily pulled away.

“You’re not going to tell anyone, right?” she asked them quietly.

“No, we won’t tell anyone,” Fred promised.

“So, did you and Remus make up?” George asked.

Emily stiffened. “No, we didn’t. I yelled at him and then left. You aren’t suggesting I should, are you?” she asked. George pursed his lips and Fred looked down. “He lied to me my entire life! Why should I?” she shouted at them.

“Calm down, Ems, he was just trying to protect you,” George said defensively.

“Why does everyone keep telling me that?”

“Because it’s the truth,”
Fred answered simply. Emily looked up into George’s soft brown eyes.

“I guess you’re right,” Emily sighed.

“There’s no guessing about it. It’s the truth.”

“So, you think I should go talk to him?”
she asked the two boys. They both nodded, as did she. “I guess I’ll see you guys later. And thanks.” Emily squeezed both of their hands with hers and then let them go. She went through the portrait hole and started down the corridor for the Defense Against the Dark Arts’ classroom.

Emily arrived outside of Remus’ classroom far sooner than she had hoped she would. She peeked in through the window of the door and saw that it was empty. Taking a deep breath, she twisted the knob and stepped inside. Emily closed the door behind her and made her way to his office. She knocked lightly on the door.

“Enter,” she heard Remus say sadly. He was still upset about their interaction, which made Emily feel slightly guilty.

Emily opened the door and poked her head inside. “Is it a bad time, Professor?” she asked quietly.

Remus looked up. “Emily! I wasn’t expecting you. Of course it isn’t a bad time. Please come in,” he replied, perking up a bit at the sight of her.

“Remus, I came to apologize.”

“There is no apology needed.”

“Please let me get through this,”
she replied. He nodded and she continued. “I know it was wrong for me to slap you and yell at you.” He started to object, but she just held up her hand. “I am so sorry. I have waited for that answer my entire life, Rems, and when I found out the answer from the person that I despise the most, I lost it. He told me what I’ve wanted to know for so long in a second and I didn’t even bring it up. I’ve been asking you this question for seven years and you would never tell me. I don’t care if Snape told me out of spite and hatred; I care that it was him who had to tell me. You could have been honest, but I do understand why you didn’t tell me. And though I don’t understand how it really protects me, I’m glad you will always be there to protect me.” Emily finished and looked down at her feet, feeling ashamed at her actions from earlier.

Remus looked at his goddaughter, wondering why on earth this year had to be the dramatic one. He closed the space between them and engulfed her in a bear hug.

“I love you and I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you, but I just couldn’t bear looking into your eyes and telling you the truth. It was too much for me, Ems. Sirius didn’t just betray James and Lily that night. He betrayed you, Amelia, Pete, and me. I didn’t want to face the truth. I am terribly sorry you had to hear it all from Severus and that it has caused you so much pain. I promise you that I will not let him come anywhere near you.”

“I know you won’t, but I kinda wish you would. I would like to give him a piece of my mind,”
Emily chuckled.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“You technically just did, but I guess you can ask another,”
Emily grinned. Remus grinned back, happy that her sarcasm was finally back.

“When is this year going to become less dramatic?” he asked.

Emily started laughing and Remus joined in. “Hopefully soon, but who knows?”

“I fervently hope that it is sooner rather than later.”

“I’ll try to die it down a bit,”
Emily promised.

“You never were much of a drama queen, Ems, let’s not change that. Deal?”


Emily and Remus talked for another hour or so. They caught up with their personal lives and about the upcoming full moon. Emily looked at the clock, and, noticing it was almost time for dinner, decided to go back to her dormitory to change for dinner.

The portrait swung open and Emily walked inside. Emily was grinning when she looked around the room. It was full of people. Some were trying to finish homework, while others were talking leisurely. George nudged Fred in the side and motioned to Emily.

“Well, well, well, Fred. What do we have here?” George asked his brother loudly. Everyone in the Common Room started staring at them.

“Seems someone’s a bit happy,” Fred accused. Emily chuckled at both of them.

“So does this mean you made up with Lupin?” George asked Emily.

“Maybe,” she replied, smiling. George walked up to her and started circling her. “What are you doing?” she asked him.

“Trying to figure out who you are. Because you looked nothing like this earlier,” he accused, coming to a stop in front of her.

“I guess I decided that zombies just aren’t me.”

“Nice word choice. Don’t you agree, Fred? Zombie is the perfect description.”
Fred nodded his agreement and Emily put her hands on her hips.

Fred looked at Emily, grinning. “I told you--”

“Did you know I told you so has a brother, Fred? It’s called shut the hell up,” she cut him off.

George glanced at Fred and then back at Emily. “Captain Sarcastic is back,” he grinned.

“I do believe I am, Lieutenant,” she replied.

“What does this make me exactly?” Fred pouted.

“The General?” Emily suggested. Fred perked up and grinned. They all started laughing. Fred gave Emily a hug and then Ginny came up to her.

“I’ve missed you,” she whispered in Emily’s ear, hugging her.

Emily leaned back and grinned at Ginny. “I’ve missed you too, Gin.” Emily looked around the room, taking in everyone.

Emily went upstairs to change into something more appropriate and put a little mascara on. She took her wand off her bed and pointed it at her hair. She made it less frizzy and more curly. It fell in ringlets against her back. Emily glanced in the mirror and then went back downstairs to join her friends. They all sat around the fire talking about their summers. Emily was sitting on the floor, Ginny on one side and George on the other. He looked over at her and she stared back. She gave him a quizzical look. He reached over and put a strand of her hair behind her ear. She had goose bumps where his finger lingered. She blushed and looked away from him. Others had noticed their interaction and were staring at both of them.

“What?” Emily asked the group.

“Oh nothing, nothing,” replied Fred with a mischievous grin.

“You’re delusional, Fred.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” he replied.

Emily rolled her eyes and the conversation picked back up. It was around six o’clock when they decided to head down for dinner.

They made their way through the Great Hall and over to the Gryffindor table. Emily glanced up at Remus and smiled. He winked back at her and she chuckled. She found a seat in between Fred and George. She looked straight ahead at the Slytherin table and scanned it for Draco. She found him staring at her and gave him a wink to let him know everything was well. He smiled, looking down, and started talking to his friend Blaise. Pansy was on his other side, a bit too close to him, listening to everything he said very intently. Emily grinned and then helped herself to some food.

*Alrighty, that is officially the end of chapter 1... Boy, was that long, or what?!
The quote about I told you so having a brother is from Breaking Dawn when Bella says it to Jacob, but in the book, Bella says it's from an episode of The Simpsons, so it belongs to the writers of that show... But anywho, Please comment.

Last edited by Emileyn; 01-29-2011 at 01:17 AM.
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