The substitute watched as the kids filled out their cards, his eyes turning to catch each as they were propped up. His gaze moved from card to face, and he hoped that would help him remember which belonged to which. While he waited, he answered the questions that they posed.
Originally Posted by
Luna Laufghudd
Questions... hm hm hmHM. she put her hand up, "Sir, what other classes have you taught?" This was simple curiosity, maybe the dude was like a Professors in Quantum Physics or something. "If you don't mind my asking..." Errr.
"I have never taught an actual class before as a proper professor, Quidditch Captain BelCanto" he replied, smiling even though his ears turned ever so slightly red. The first question
would expose the fact that he was a newbie of a professor. "However, I did have to teach a few classes when I was still in University. Transfiguration, mostly. A potions class or two tossed in the mix. I was still a student at the time, though."
Originally Posted by
Looking back to the man she raised her hand. "Professor Cutter, why isn't Professor Bunbury teaching class?
"I'm not quite sure Miss... Lovegoods. I was not told the reason for Professor Bunbury's absence, but rest assured that it can't be all that bad. If it were, I probably wouldn't be here as a
Originally Posted by
Miss Lissy Lou
Jack took a card as they floated along, handing themselves out to people, and began to scribbled his information down. Once he had finished, he propped it up on top of his books so the new guy could see it easily. He just hoped he could read his atrocious handwriting!
The Head Boy! Cutter nodded at the boy and tapped the table at which he was sitting.
"Mr. Fritzera, thank you for saving me the trouble of relocating you up front. I'll probably be relying on your help for a demonstration; as Head Boy, I'm sure you won't mind."
Originally Posted by
Sneakeh Cat
"I have a question," she said as she raised her hand. "You said this was your first time teaching a class like this, yes? What did you do before you were hired as a substitute?" She paused before quickly adding, "That's if you don't mind sharing that kind of information with us." She gave him a little smile before placing the marker back inside her bag.
Ah good, and a Prefect. Cutter listened to her question and deliberated the best way to answer it.
"Well, Prefect Upstead... I don't mind sharing at all." He grinned at the young girl before continuing. "I'm actually just out of teaching school last term. Before that, I traveled quite a bit around India and Africa. Until I was asked to come here, I worked in a library." Not a glamorous job, for sure, but it was a job.
Originally Posted by
Blinking, Jake just decided not to question it, and he set his
card on the table, before raising his hand.
"Wwwill we nnneed muhh-magic today?" Say no. Say no. Say no. ...what kind of question was that? Cutter looked at the young Hufflepuff with the stutter and nodded hesitantly. They would definitely need magic for this class.
"You certainly will, Mister..." Er. Cutter squinted at the card. This one could use handwriting classes. "Upstead. Don't worry too much though, I'm sure a fourth year can handle this spell."
And they'd be in groups, as well. So surely even if the kid was inept at magic, he'd fare fine.
Originally Posted by
''Excuse me professor. SIR! Do you know where is Professor Bunbury?''
"She's rather not here at the moment." Cutter shrugged. "If you're meant to find out, I'm sure the Headmaster would be glad to answer your questions. I'm not one to pry into the lives of those I don't know, Mr. Carter."
Originally Posted by
Ivy Nienna
Grinning happily as Arya sat down next to her, Ivory gave her a little friendly nudge and grabbed for two cards, passing one to her.
Dipping her quill into the ink, she bit her lip as she concentrated on making sure her ink didn't run.
Looking around, she figured they'd all kind of look the same. Shrugging her shoulders she added one more line and a smiley face.
D'aaaaaaw. How cute. Cutter couldn't resist a chuckle at the sight of this young Ravenclaw's card. As he passed her, he leaned down and whispered encouragingly, "You're allowed to be height-impaired at your age, Miss Erised. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll grow out of it soon enough."
Moving back to the table with all the tentaculas on it, Cutter clapped his hands once to get the attention of those still working on their cards. They didn't need to look as if they belonged in the Museum of Modern Art or anything.
"I had planned to do a much, much simpler class today, truthfully, but... well plans have been changed." They wouldn't be learning about dittany after all, it seemed. Cutter held a hand out toward the Venomous Tentaculas. "I'm sure you've all seen these before, at some point or another. Professor Bunbury may have even had a class on them. However... well we're not going to be focusing on the tentaculas today, exactly." He touched the nearest one; it didn't move, the charm still firmly in place over it. "I'm sure you've all noticed something's off about these, haven't you?"