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Old 03-07-2010, 07:52 PM   #4415 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Ferris smiled as Vianna agreed that she liked these kidnappings as well before kissing his lips, a gesture that he returned for the moment it lasted. It was then that she spoke once more, suggesting that they go out and do something that they weren't able to do before. He laughed aloud at her wild suggestions of what they could do, "I'm not in the mood to rob a bank," the boy replied with an amused grin, letting out a chuckle as he thought for a moment. "Well...what do you want to do? It's you and me, I'll do whatever you want," he promised. After a moment of thought, he corrected himself, "In reason."
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