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Old 03-06-2010, 08:29 PM   #379 (permalink)
Sneakeh Cat

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Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
"Adrienne Mercer and Reese Upstead," she said, calling out loud enough to be heard over the crowd that had gathered in the waiting room. "I'll see the two of you in room two now, please." Gabriella knew Reese. She'd met with her a time or two since the school year had begun. Her eyes sought out the Slytherin prefect and Gabriella hurried to her side. "I'm going to levitate you, Miss Upstead. I don't want you trying to walk in your condition." After a quick levitation charm, Reese was in the air, and she and Gabriella were on their way back to room two.

OOC: Room two for both of you, please.
Reese had her eyes closed while she listened to Jack and...Professor Kapoor? Yeah, she was sure that's who it was. It sounded like him. She listened to them exchange a few words about what had happened to her. The Slytherin was still feeling so tired, so maybe taking a little nap wouldn't hurt her too long as she didn't move or anything that would cause more bleeding than there already was.

She had allowed herself to drift off into her dreamland, but she was only a sleep a few minutes before the calling of her name woke her up. Slowly, she opened her eyes to look at Jack, and then to the Healer.

FINALLY! All this pain would surely be over in a little bit.

She opened her mouth to try to tell the Healer that she wouldn't be able to walk since she wasn't too sure if she could, but Ashford had told her she would levitate her before the girl could say anything. It didn't take long before she was in the air and was on the way to room two with the Healer. Now was the time she wished Torin and Jack had levitated her, because this was so much easier on her body than the whole picking up thing that Torin and Jack had did to get her up here from the Entrance Hall.

_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
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