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Old 03-05-2010, 06:34 PM   #91 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Join Date: Jun 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Former Professor Valon Kazimeriz
Kool-Aid, Oh Yeah! | | SS Mischief Maker

Originally Posted by Windsfreak View Post
"Fantastic! Matheu said. "Okay, I'll get right on that! Thank so much, Professor!"
Kazimeriz nodded. "Get to writing, then, so that you may go to the Herbology professor. I confess I am curious to hear what she has to say on the matter."

Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna View Post

Ivory completely ignored the fact that Kazimeriz had been ruffled by her hug. In her young overactive imagination, not only had he returned the hug but also given her a grandfatherly pat on the head for good measure.

"Oh I will Professor....ooooh I know I'll practice on the mess in my room! But first..." she turned back to her cauldron now, and glaring at it purposefully."the cauldron"

Pointing her wand at her cauldron, she concentrated its potion contents, imagining the liquid just disappearing.
"Evanesco!" She pronounced excitedly as she thrust her wand forward with a smooth left and upward subtle retract.


Sure there were a few drops sticking to the side but that she could just clean off herself. Grabbing the little bottle of Mrs. Scower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover and a little rag from her potion's kit, she made short work of the interior of her cauldron, and then took it to the back to scrub it all once more. Drying it carefully she remembered something about having to cure your cauldron...

Opening her mouth about to ask the Professor, she suddenly remembered that she'd head him explain it earlier to the other first year in the room.

After she dropped off her cauldron on her workstation, she made a detour to the storage to retrieve the bottle of Cure-All.

Hmm.Staring at the shelf of cleaning supplies she saw there was quite a variety of them. In the end though, she ended up choosing Mrs. Scowers Cauldron Cure All simply because it had a nice purple bottle.

Dabbing some on a clean little rag, she took her time rubbing it all over the inside of her cauldron. By the time she was finished, the young girl had to admit she was exhausted. What with the vigorous stirring, learning the vanishing charm, and now all this cleaning...well suffice to say she was going to love a nice hot bath and warm bed later.

A sigh escaping her lips, Ivory placed the cauldron back on its stand and cast her familiar fire kindling charm.

"Succendo!" She pronounced the incantation as effectively as she could and watched with a tired smile as a low small flame blossomed beneath the cauldron, almost cradling it.

Using the time to place all her equipment safely in it's proper casings, she kept one eye on the cauldron...waiting until steam stopped rising.

It didn't take too long at least not really but by the end Ivory felt like weeks had passed in that time alone.

Casting Finite on the fire, she let it cool to room temperature (another month in her time) and then finally placed it into it's dragonhide satchel.

Pressing the fiery tip of her wand against her mokeskin belt, she carefully placed all her equipment back into the bag that billowed out, and then retracted back to a simple patch when she was finished.

Holstering her wand, she grabbed her labeled phial and made her way to Professor Kazimeriz's desk.

SPOILER!!: Label
Aging Potion
Ivory Vitya Erised
First Year, Ravenclaw

Holding it out triumphantly, she smiled.

"Here you are sir, one aging potion."

"Very good, Miss Erised. If you would like to test it -- and you should -- I would recommend trying a drop of it on a fresh leaf off one of the mundane plants in the room. A single drop on one of the seedlings should cause it to go to seed as it advances a season... in which case you will know you succeeded." Kazimeriz nodded to her, gesturing to a sampling of potted plants on the counter in the corner of the room. "But please do not use the blooming daisies, if you please. They are a particular favorite of mine."

Originally Posted by Zoerawrr View Post
Jake just... stared at Kazi as he let his potion cool. Yes... testing it would be a good idea, but there was one teeeeeny tiny problem.

"I d-d-don't hhhave a fever, sssir," the boy pointed out, clearly nonplussed. "I c-c-can't tttest it."

Shame he didn't have pneumonia anymore.


Well, actually, no... no it wasn't a shame.

Jake bit on his lip and stared at his potion, glancing to the first year who had brewed an aging potion and wanting to blurt out that he wanted to know why Kazi would need it. Unless he wanted to be dust, or something.


Hmmm indeed. Quite a conundrum.
"You can still test it, Mr. Upstead. You have permission to take a sample of fever fudge - it is in the sealed, marked container on the Complete Potions shelf, under F for -- well, that is obvious. Only take a small sample, however, and then once you feel your temperature rising, you may sample your potion."
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