Alrighty, here is my birthday post!!!! I hope you enjoy!
“I need to talk to you. Please stop struggling; you’re making it difficult,” the voice pleaded. Emily stopped struggling immediately, recognizing Draco’s voice.
“What do you want, Draco?” Emily whispered. He finally let her go and shut the door. Emily sat on one of the dusty desks, rubbing her arms.
“I told you, I need to talk to you.” He turned around from the doorway, taking in her appearance.
“Sorry about the means of bringing you here. I didn’t think you’d come willingly,” Draco said sheepishly.
“You’re right, I wouldn’t have.” She stared him down, wanting him to hurry up so she could leave.
“What do you want, Draco?” she repeated.
“I’m so sorry, Emily. It’s just that, well, I’m Draco Malfoy. I have a name to uphold and things I’m required to live up to. It’s how I was brought up. It’s just a show to make my father happy. I didn’t think it would hurt you that much. Ems, please, I miss you.” Draco walked towards her and reached for her hand. She grabbed it back, shaking her head slightly.
“How am I suppose to believe you? To trust you? Draco, I get that it was how you are brought up and that you have certain expectations, but a name is a name. It means absolutely nothing. What matters is on the inside and who you choose to be.” Emily looked at the floor, not knowing what to do next.
“You know who I am on the inside. The only one, and that’s all that matters to me, Ems. Never forget that. And you're supposed to believe me because I’m telling the truth. You’re supposed to trust me because I promise that I will never hurt you.” Draco reached for her hand again, but when she snatched it away again, he didn’t stop. His hand touched hers lightly and then held on tight.
“You’ve already hurt me by being rude to my friends, my godfather. How can I believe you when you lie everyday, when we lied everyday? I don’t know if I can keep up the deceit, Draco.” She looked down at their intertwined fingers. Though she was still upset with him, she couldn’t help but think about how nice it felt.
“I know we had agreed not to tell anyone, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a complete git to my friends to keep up the charade.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Draco stepped closer to her.
“I don’t want to lie to everyone.” He reached his other hand up to her face and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
“I’m a complete git to your friends because they expect it, not to mention we despise each other, but if it bothers you, I’ll try to stop, meaning I’ll try avoiding them as much as possible so I won’t be tempted.” Draco’s hand moved to her hair; he knotted it there.
Emily looked up, searching his silvery eyes. They looked serious and full of truth. Emily straightened up from the table and leaned into Draco’s chest. Looking past him at the closed door, she whispered,
“I believe you.” Draco dropped her hand and put his around her waist. He pushed the small of her back closer to him.
“I’ve fallen for you, Emily Black, no turning back now. I’m in for life.” Draco chuckled, kissing her hair and then her neck. She pulled back to look at him. He laced a loose curl around her ear and then leaned in and kissed her full on the lips. What started out as a couple of pecks, turned into full on passion. Sparks flew from each. When he kissed her, she couldn’t resist him any longer. When he kissed her, they were the only two people in the world and nothing else mattered. When he kissed her, she forgot everything that had happened and just lived in the moment. Emily took a fistful of his hair in her hands and kissed him back as passionately as she could. She had fallen for him, too.
After fifteen minutes of snogging, they slowed the kisses down a bit, each catching their breaths. Emily pecked him on the lips once more.
“I love you,” she whispered into his chest. She felt vulnerable. He could reject her and it would break her heart. He could be making a fool of her, he could be playing a joke on her, but she didn’t care. If she was a fool, then she was a fool in love.
“I love you, too,” whispered Draco, stroking her hair. She gave a sigh of relief, hugging him closely.
Emily put her arms around his neck and leaned back slightly.
“Where does this leave us now?” she asked.
“I have no idea. I guess, still under wraps, meeting secretly at night to see each other.” Draco shrugged his shoulders.
“I guess so,” she chuckled lightly.
“So, you promise not to be too hard on my friends?” she asked.
“Well, I can’t promise anything much. I’ll definitely not stop completely.” Emily pursed her lips.
“But, I’ll maybe die it down a little,” he rushed on.
“I guess I’ll have to live with that,” she pouted. Draco moved his hand up to her mouth, lightly grazing his thumb over her lips.
“Just know that every moment, I’ll be miserable knowing I’m talking bad to and about you and your friends.” Draco kissed her forehead.
“Right, because I know you’ll be very miserable insulting Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys.” Emily rolled her eyes and both started laughing.
“Well, maybe I won’t be miserable insulting them, but I’ll be miserable if I ever insult you. So if I do, please just ignore it and know that I don’t mean it.”
“Sure, if it’s the truth,” she replied.
“I should probably get back. I don’t want anyone wondering where I’ve disappeared to.” She kissed his lips and he kissed back. They hugged once more, and then Emily told him she’d see him later at dinner. She walked back to the door, opening it a crack to see if the corridor was deserted. Seeing it was, she crept down the hall, on her way to Remus's classroom.
“Rems, I have great news!” she exclaimed as she closed the door to his office. Looking up, he gave her an amused look.
“Oh? So Dumbledore said yes, then?” he looked at her expectantly.
“What? Oh, yeah, the full moon. Yeah, he said I could. I told you, you couldn’t keep me away.” Emily gave him a skeptical look before continuing.
“After I talked to Dumbledore, I ran into Draco. Well, actually he ran into me. But that’s not the point. We talked and decided to get back together.” She waited for his response. She had to wait a while, for he just stared at her in shock, studying her.
“Are you sure you want to go back down this road? I mean, don’t get me wrong, Ems, I want you to be happy, I just don’t want you to get hurt again.”
“I’m positive, Rems. I’m in love with him.” She wasn’t sure if she should have added that last bit.
“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re too young to know what love is.”
“I am not,” Emily stated through her teeth.
“I’m plenty old enough and I definitely know what love is.” Emily was one of the most stubborn people in the world.
“Fine, if you want to think you’re in love, then have at it. But when you realize you’re not really in love and he hurts you again, remember I’ll be right here to pick you up again.” Remus looked down at his half-graded papers and picked up a quill. He started reading the top paper, fixing the grammatical errors as he went. Emily huffed and stomped out of the office. Her once happy moment now ruined by her godfather’s negativity.
On her way out of his office she yelled back at him,
“By the way, I quit Divination! Just thought you should know. I don’t want to waste my time.” She made her way through the classroom, grabbing her bag from their earlier lesson. Making her way to the Common Room, she sulked. All too soon she found herself telling the Fat Lady the password. She took a deep breath to calm herself, hoping her friends wouldn’t sense her mood.
They were all sitting beside the fire. Some were working on their homework while others dozed off. Not completely out of her bad mood, Emily had slammed the portrait shut, the Fat Lady screaming her protests. They turned around and watched her breathe deeply to herself, trying to calm down.
“I’m not hungry. I’m going to bed early. See you tomorrow,” she stated through clenched teeth. She didn’t wait for their responses, but quickly ran up the stairs to her dormitory. She snatched her pajamas out of her chest and quickly threw them on, trying to be as fast as possible before Hermione and Ginny came to check on her. She pulled the curtains around her four poster closed and sat bolt upright in her bed. She looked at her ring, sighing slightly.
He just doesn’t understand, she thought to herself.
I am in love and he loves me back. He loves me back. Sigh. She slouched down into a laying position on her side. She heard the door open, a few whispers, and then the door clicked closed. It was completely silent besides her sniffling.
She lay there for a while before finally being able to fall asleep, but it wasn’t a pleasant sleep. It was restless, painstakingly restless. She was in The Forbidden Forest. She was running, but she wasn’t alone. Someone caught her hand, she looked sideways at him; it was Draco. He looked terrified, but not only for himself, for her. They picked up the pace, rushing through the branches and thorns. Emily had a gash on her cheek and Draco had scrapes all over his arms. She tripped over a stump, but Draco caught her. They kept going. In the distance, behind them, they heard another body moving through the branches. Emily awoke with a start to an ear-splintering howl.
Breathing deeply, Emily tied her sweaty hair back. She was drenching in sweat, her covers all over her bed, twisted and knotted. She opened her curtains and got up slowly. She took a swig from the water jug. Her throat was dry; she was completely parched. Hearing her stomach grumble she decided she could use some food. Happy that the twins had told her where the kitchens were the year previously, she tiptoed to the door. Closing it quietly behind her, she made her way to the Portrait Hole.
Emily was on her way back from the kitchens with a sandwich in one hand and pumpkin juice in the other when she heard someone’s footsteps. It was way past curfew, so, thinking fast, she hid behind one of the statues. She held her breath as the footsteps steadily grew louder. As she heard the person pass, she peeked out from her hiding place to see who it was, but when she stepped back again, her pajamas caught on one of the points of the statue. Gasping, she tried to get herself loose, then put her hand over her mouth, realizing she had made too much noise.
“Need some help with that, Miss Black?” asked a sneering voice. Emily knew that voice; that very voice made her stomach churn and anger mount. It was Professor Snape. Emily looked like a deer in headlights as Snape flickered his wand to reveal light.
She quickly recovered and replied,
“No thanks, I think I can get it.” “So, we missed dinner and decided a stroll after curfew to fetch food would sustain. That will be fifty points from Gryffindor and detention tomorrow during your now free period, Miss Black. 10:00. Don’t be late or we’ll make it detention all week. I suggest you get back to your Common Room.” Emily watched him turn the corner, his lightened wand drifting with him.
After detaching herself from the statue and cursing it slightly, she made her way quickly back to Gryffindor Tower. Emily collapsed on the nearest chair. Fuming, she finished her meal and then cozied up to the fluffy interior. Her eyes drooped and the next thing she knew, she was being shooken awake by George, Fred, and Lee.
“Hello? Rise and shine, sunshine,” George shook. She blinked a few times and stretched her arms. The sunlight leaked in through the window and blinded her. She groaned from the crick in her neck, deciding internally that chairs are comfy until you woke up.
“Good Morning, Ems! Why’d you sleep down here?” Fred asked cheerfully.
“I got hungry last night and went to the kitchens. I guess when I came back, I just fell asleep,” Emily replied groggily. All of a sudden, she slapped her forehead, remembering what else happened that night.
“Crap!” she exclaimed.
“What?” asked George, Fred, and Lee at the same time.
“I forgot. Snape caught me last night and gave me detention. That must be a record. Detention the first week back.” She groaned again.
Fred and George glanced at each other and grinned.
“I wouldn’t go that far, Ems. There is no way you could break our records.” They laughed to themselves but when they caught Emily’s facial expression, they stopped in a hurry.
“This is so Remus’s fault!”
“How have you managed that?” Fred asked curiously.
“He’s the one that made me miss dinner and have to sneak down last night to eat; therefore, making him the one that made me get detention."
“Riiiiiigggghhhhhtttt,” replied the twins together. Emily grimaced at them.
A soft clink on the window drew all of their attention. Walking over to the window, Lee undid the hatch and the eagle owl flew in, landing on Emily’s armrest. The outside of the envelope had Emily’s name on it. She recognized the handwriting immediately and opened the letter.
Are you all right? Why didn’t you come to dinner last night? Meet me in room 17 during breakfast. I’ll bring food so you won’t starve. Hope to see you then.
DM ** Okay, so it was Draco... I wanted to make him out as strong because he is a Quidditch player, and he ran into her from behind, so she couldn't see who it was... That's why she was talking the way she was to the mystery person... So yeah, I hope you liked it and please comment!