Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 Carter smiled. "Yeah. I'm excited to see her again. She's probably huge by now." he said nodding. "So how are classes going for you?" he asked. He felt this term was going a bit more smoothly. With classes of course. In every other aspect last term was much better. He knew the topic of Marilyn would be coming up and he was doing his best postponing it. Mina smiled. "Yeah. I'm sure she's getting big. My sisters are the same way. They got huge from the last time I saw them before school until I saw them at break." she shrugged. She really wondered where all the time went. "So so, I'm not as far ahead as I would like. But I have had other things on my mind an all." she explained. Her mind was all over the place and she did wish things were normal, but they just weren't and she needed to just deal with it. "How about for you?" She was trying to tiptoe around what seemed to be the white elephant in the room. She did want to ask him about other things, but had yet to decide how to go about it. She realized she must have missed something the night of the slumber party. |