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Old 03-03-2010, 12:01 AM   #20 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Default The Unexpected
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

I'm bored, so I decided to post. It's shorter than usual... Hope you enjoy

“Enter,” said a voice behind the door. Emily hesitantly opened the door and walked inside. “Ah, Miss Black, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Professor Dumbledore asked politely. “Please sit,” he said motioning to the chair in front of his desk. Emily obliged and started fidgeting with her shirt seam.

“Professor, I was wondering if I could ask you something. A favor really.” She waited for a response but he merely nodded, placing his hands together and putting the tips of his fingers against his lips. “Well, see, it’s Remus. We’ve only been apart during the full moon during term, well, because I was at school and’t. But now that we’re both together, and the full moon is coming up, I was wondering if you if with him?” She didn’t wait for a response, but instead proceeded to ramble on. “It’s just that I know it’s easier if someone’s with him during the transformation, you know, to keep him company. And although it’s dangerous, sir, I’ve done it many times before and I assure you it wouldn’t be dangerous for me. And he says he’s fine with it if you were, and...” Emily went quiet not sure of what else to say. The blush crept up to her cheeks and she stared at her shoes, trying to not make eye contact.

“Miss Black, I think it will be fine if you stay with your godfather, as long as he doesn’t mind. It will be dangerous, but I think I can place a few precautions in order and I know you’re a professional at it by now. I would say you could go to the Shrieking Shack, but it may be dangerous now that there’s a killer on the loose.” Dumbledore searched Emily’s features, wondering if she knew.

“Really? I can stay with him?” When Dumbledore nodded, Emily jumped from her seat and excitably went to shake the Headmaster’s hand. “Thank you. Thank you so much!” Emily gushed. “I have to go tell Rems. Thanks again,” she said again, releasing his hand. She turned on her heel with a huge smile plastered on her face.

“Bye, Miss Black,” Dumbledore chuckled.

“'Night, Professor,” Emily replied, closing the door to his office behind her. She took the steps two at a time, jumping when she reached the last three. She started skipping to Remus’ office to tell him the good news, when someone slammed into her, pushing her into the nearest abandoned classroom.

“Let.Go.Of.Me.” Emily struggled against the firm grip, but to no avail. “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?” she asked the mysterious kidnapper.

*The next post will probably be Thursday...

Last edited by Emileyn; 01-29-2011 at 12:00 AM.
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