Good news! I finished my calc hw way before I thought I would. Here's the next post...
The next day included their first classes. Draco continued torturing Harry about the Dementors. Emily started her new lessons, deciding that she was right; Divination was a joke. The only real exciting thing that happened was Draco being attacked by a Hippogriff in their first Care of Magical Creatures lesson. Emily knew he wasn’t seriously injured and that Madame Pomfrey had fixed him up in a second, but he seemed to be playing it out. Pansy had followed right after him as Hagrid took him to the Hospital Wing, so she wasn’t able to go.
It was well after midnight that night when Emily decided to sneak down to see him. She thought it would be safest to see him at nighttime when no students would be lurking about. She tiptoed down the corridor, hiding if she heard a noise. Finally making it outside the infirmary, she opened the door as silently as she could. She peeked inside to see if the nurse was still there. Noticing that the coast was clear, she made her way inside. She saw the only occupied bed at the other end of the room and started walking as quickly as she could. Pulling up a chair to his bed, she put her hand in his.
“Pansy, I’m trying to sleep—Oh, it’s you. Thank God,” whispered Draco once he saw whom it was.
“I thought it might be Pansy. She never leaves me alone. She’d glue herself to me if she could.” He rolled over onto his side to look at her better.
“So I’m guessing she’s not all that upset about the arranged marriage, then,” Emily remarked.
“Unfortunately, no.”
“So, how do you really feel? And don’t feed me that load of dragon dung that you’re in real agony. Madame Pomfrey probably fixed you in a jiffy,” Emily accused.
“Nothing gets by you, huh? I feel better. I wrote to father about it all. He told me he’d talk to the minister about getting the stupid bird killed. Isn’t that great?” he asked happily with a grin across his face.
She couldn’t believe what he was saying.
“No, that’s not great. It wasn’t Buckbeak’s fault that you got hurt, nor was it Hagrid’s. He told us not to approach them like that, that we had to bow and wait for his bow in return. I can’t believe you’re going to get Buckbeak killed and no doubt you’ll try to get Hagrid fired as well.” Emily grabbed her hand from his and folded them across her chest.
“Of course I’m going to try to get that oaf fired, Emily, he shouldn’t be teaching. And that beast attacked me; it shouldn’t get to live. I can’t believe you’re going to take their side. I’m your boyfriend!” Draco exclaimed.
“And, your point? You think that just because you’re my boyfriend, I’m not going to stand up for what I believe in, that I’m going to change how I feel and what I say? You are sadly mistaken, Draco Malfoy, if that’s what you think.” Emily was no longer whispering but full out yelling at him. She heard movement behind Madame Pomfrey’s office but stood her ground.
“What on earth is going on out here? Miss Black, what are you doing out of bed?” She looked stern and tired as she talked.
“Absolutely nothing is going on here, Madame Pomfrey. I’m done here. We’re done here,” Emily stated, staring at Draco. She turned to leave but Draco caught her hand.
“Oh, come on, Emily. You’re making a mistake.”
“The only mistake I made was thinking you could change. We’re done, Draco. Maybe you should go tell Daddy and see if he can get me thrown out of Hogwarts as well.” Emily pulled her hand free and bid a shocked Madame Pomfrey goodnight. Emily made her way back to the Gryffindor Common Room, not bothering to be as quiet as possible.
The next morning at breakfast, Emily kept to herself. She didn’t go back to see Draco and he didn’t show up to any of his classes. She lied to everyone when asked if she were okay. She avoided Remus as often as she could, not wanting to have to tell him. Thursday finally rolled around the corner, and, all in all, it was going to be a bad day. Draco showed up during double potions, finally ‘feeling up to come to class.’ She ignored him and he ignored her. After lunch was her dreaded first lesson with Remus. She was sure he’d ask her to stay after to talk, knowing she had been avoiding him.
She walked as slowly as she could to Defense Against the Dark Arts. When she arrived, she found a seat beside Hermione. Taking her seat, Remus watched her. She made sure not to make eye contact. He was curious and worried, but decided it could wait until later.
“Good afternoon. Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today’s will be a practical lesson. You will need only your wands.” Remus looked shabby as he talked to the class. Emily put her books back in her bag and grabbed her wand. Emily remembered telling Remus how they had never had a practical lesson before and that now that he was their teacher, he had better change it.
“Right then. If you would follow me,” stated Remus when everyone was ready. The scratching of chairs were heard as everyone scooted out of their seats. Intrigued, the class followed the professor out of the classroom and down a deserted corridor. They ran into Peeves the Poltergeist, who was stuffing a keyhole with chewing gum. Peeves looked up when Remus was two feet away and broke into song.
“Loony, loopy Lupin,” he sang.
“Loony, loopy Lupin, loony, loopy Lupin--” Peeves usually showed some type of respect to the professors, but not this time. The class turned to see how Remus would take it, but he was smiling.
“I’d take that gum out of the keyhole if I were you, Peeves,” said Remus pleasantly.
“Mr. Filch won’t be able to get into his brooms.”
Peeves blew a loud wet raspberry, ignoring what Remus had said.
Giving a small sigh, Remus took out his wand and told the class over his shoulder,
“This is a useful little spell. Please watch closely.”
Raising his wand he stated,
“Waddiwasi!” and pointed it at Peeves.
All of a sudden, the chewing gum shot out of the keyhole and forcefully down Peeves’s left nostril. Peeves zoomed off, cursing. Dean told Remus that it was cool and they proceeded down the hall. They came to a stop outside of the staffroom. Remus asked them to go inside and they obliged. The room, with mismatched chairs, was empty except for Professor Snape. His glistening eyes took in the class.
“Leave it open, Lupin. I’d rather not witness this,” sneered Snape as Remus went to shut the door. Before shutting the door behind himself, he turned, stating,
“Possibly no one’s warned you, Lupin, but this class contains Neville Longbottom. I would advise you not to entrust him with anything difficult. Not unless Miss Granger is hissing instructions in his ear.”
Harry glared at Snape as Neville went red. Remus, raising his eyebrows, stated,
“I was hoping that Neville would assist me with the first stage of the operation, and I am sure he will perform it admirably.” Snape, lip curling, left, slamming the door behind him.
“Now, then,” said Remus faintly. He led the group toward an old wardrobe at the end of the room. Emily stayed near the back, putting distance between them. The class continued with the discussion of boggarts and then everyone repeated the spell that would repel it. Neville then took the first turn and the boggart changed into Professor Snape in Neville’s grandmother’s clothes. Everyone laughed and applauded. The class proceeded in taking turns.
Emily wasn’t really paying attention to anything around her. She was looking out of a window, down at the lake. People were lounging on the grass, reading and doing homework. Emily faintly heard the laughter in the room as the students took their turns. Emily heard screams and turned to see Ron up against a huge spider. As soon as Ron exclaimed
“Riddikulus!” Emily turned her attention back to the lake, but quickly turned back around as Remus shouted,
“Here!” He had hurried forward in front of Harry and Emily saw a silvery-white orb hanging in the air. The others seemed confused, but Emily knew it was the full moon. Her right hand went absentmindedly to her left forefinger where her half-ring sat. Her fingers gently brushed the zigzag shape of her half moon. Remus awarded points to those who fought the boggart and those who answered questions, assigned homework, and dismissed the class.
Emily tried sneaking out, but Remus caught her.
“Miss Black, may I have a word with you?” he asked politely as the other students left. Emily waved to Hermione and nodded toward Remus.
“I haven’t seen you in a while, Ems. How are your classes going?” he asked innocently.
“They’re okay I guess. Divination is a joke, just like I told you it’d be,” she chuckled.
“Transfiguration and Charms are the same as ever. Care of Magical Creatures is pretty cool. You know, we should get a Hippogriff as a pet, Rems, they’re so adorable. And then there’s Potions with Snape. Of course it’s no fun. How have your classes been going?”
“They’re good, I think the students enjoy them,” he stated, trying to figure out how he should continue.
“I’m pretty sure they think you’re the coolest teacher we’ve had, Rems,” Emily smiled.
“Glad to know I’m not embarrassing you,” he chuckled.
“So, why haven’t you come to see me?”
“I guess I’ve just been busy with homework and what not,” replied Emily sheepishly.
“So it has nothing to do with you and a certain Slytherin?” Remus asked slyly.
Emily’s eyes grew so large, Remus was sure they’d pop out of their sockets.
“How’’d you know about that?” she whispered, unable to speak up.
“Madame Pomfrey told me about your visit after curfew the other night. How long has it been going on, Ems, and why haven’t you told me?”
“The snitch!” Emily exclaimed.
“It hasn’t been going on very long, really. I met up with him over the summer, the day I ran away.” Emily peeked at Remus’s face, wondering how he was going to take this.
“He ended up going there himself and we decided to go swimming and got to talking, and then we raced.” Emily was talking extremely fast now.
“And then, on the train ride to school, we met up in the animal compartment and talked. That’s when we technically started dating, but as you already know, I ended it the night I went to the Hospital Wing. He was being a right git and I couldn’t take it anymore.” Emily waited for his response. Tears starting forming in her eyes. She had tried to suppress her feelings the past few days, but they couldn’t be suppressed anymore.
Remus said nothing, he didn’t interrupt, and when she finished, he watched her silent tears pour over her cheeks. He went to her side and pulled her into a hug.
“Why didn’t you come talk to me?” he asked, rubbing her back.
“I was ashamed. I thought you would be ashamed. I just didn’t want anyone to know. Sorry.” She cried into his shoulder, glad to finally get it off her chest.
“I could never be ashamed of you, Ems. I want you to be happy, and if a Slytherin made you happy, I’d be okay with that. I love you, kiddo.” Emily pulled back to look at his face to make sure he was telling the truth. He had no sense of falsity in his features.
“I love you too,” she whispered.
“Of course, you of all people would want a Hippogriff as a pet,” he joked. They both laughed. Emily couldn’t convince him that they really needed the pet.
“So, have you talked to Dumbledore yet?” he asked her curiously when their laughter subsided.
“About what?” she asked back. He pointed to her left forefinger and then at his.
“Oh! The moon! I can’t believe I forgot. Thanks for reminding me, Rems. I’ll go talk to him now.” She made to leave, but then abruptly stopped.
“Where is his office exactly?”
Chuckling, Remus moved to the door.
“Come on, I’ll show you the way.” Remus and Emily walked up to the seventh floor corridor quietly. Emily was nervous about the interaction soon to come. Remus watched Emily’s nervous face with amusement. Finally arriving at two stone gargoyles, Remus stated,
“Pumpkin Pasty” and the gargoyles separated. Emily walked to the staircase, then glanced back at Remus.
“Aren’t you coming with me?” she asked apprehensively.
“Nah, I’ll let you do this one all on your own, Ems. You’re the one that wants to stay with me. I’d much rather you not break curfew.” Emily glared at Remus.
“Fine then, I’ll go alone, but you aren’t getting rid of me that easily, Remus. I will meet you under the moon.” With that she turned on her heel and ascended the staircase. She knocked three times on the door and waited.
*Eh, I don't like this one all too much, but I guess it will have to do... If you recognize certain quotes, they are once again all JK Rowling's. Please comment...