Originally Posted by
Ivy Nienna
Grinning toothily at his answer, Ivory pointed her wand at the little bowl a few times showing him her motion.
It wasn't too much of a wand movement, since the book was horribly vague. Seriously, a wand point? That could mean anything!
She was probably doing it all wrong. For all she knew a 'wand point' involved standing on one foot with one arm behind your back and squinting one eye, in a sort of 'One-eyed-Willie' move.
Sneaking a glance at Kazi, she wondered what would be his reaction if she actually attempted it...
Oh well her potion was done and bottled anyway...maybe a laugh or small chuckle was in order.
Lifting her leg she grabbed it behind her back with her left hand and balanced on one foot, a bit like a flamingo. It took a few little hops but finally she could stand with no problem, at least for now. Her eyes steadfastly on the bowl, she made a big show of closing one eye in an exaggerated wink and took aim.
Pointing her wand decisively, she pronounced the incantation as she imagined an empty bowl. Empty bowl. Empty bowl. Bowl that is empty. Bowl containing nothing.
Not surprisingly, the liquid merely rippled again. Inside she was a mess trying to keep her face from smiling widely and pouting. She was sure, (aside from the One-eyed-Willie) that there had to be something specific about the 'point' that she was missing. Oh well, Kazi knew his stuff and hopefully if he wasn't to offended by her wand work (snicker snicker) he'd help her learn to point better.
Attempting to keep her face straight, she turn innocently back to the Professor. Her face giving off qeustion marks. What ever was she doing wrong?
Kazimeriz nodded, assessing her attempt.
"First, you have the motion wrong. You need to use a wand point... That is, a motion like this." He demonstrated with his own wand, a kind of short thrust that stopped suddenly.
"Then, add the subtractive motion, which is a light flick to the left, up and toward yourself-- very subtle, very slight." He demonstrated, drawing his wand left, flicking his wrist up just a hint as he drew his wand slightly closer to himself again.
"Practice these two motions independently without considering the incantation. Then, when you are focusing-- what specifically are you focusing on? What are you thinking precisely?"