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Old 02-27-2010, 04:34 AM   #261 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Originally Posted by Pink Ninja View Post
Alexa could barely see Lorcan through all of the gunk coming out of her eye. SHe did however recognize both his and Sabel's voices. A sob stuck in her throat and she said in a weak voice, "I have no idea what happened to me... I was in the Great Hall and then I was right here... I have no idea what is going on..." Tears began to run out of her clean eye and the sobs made their way out of her throat. THe back of her pyjama shirt was ripped heavily and she was bleeding from the gashes on her back, blood was beginning to cake up and dry where the dirt and leaves were stuck to her skin.

Her hair was matted to her face with eye gunk and blood from her face, her left shirt sleeve was gashed open and there was blood there too. But the most disturbing of all was her enlarged feet and the fact that she was barefoot. SHe couldn't figure it out...

THen Sabel applied pressure to a gash on her cheek and she yelped out in pain and crumpled to the floor with a resounding thud, the pain finally becoming too much for her to bare.
Taking a constitutional from the library for a bit of fresh air, Kapoor was about to step out of the castle when he saw ...another one! Good heavens! What was going on with the students these days?

He moved closer to the situation and could see that the damage was indeed very bad. "Did anyone see what happened?" He asked the others present, now very alarmed by the re-occurrence.
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