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Kay stood there listening to Rex tell her about the Football. She didn't understand. "So the football pitch is smaller then the Quidditch ptich? They run from one end to the other to get a point? So do they get 10 points like in Quidditch?" She asked not feeling very smart right now. "Sorry I don't know more about muggle sports."
" Football has a field not a pitch and football is played on grass and sometimes artificial grass" Rex told Kay. " No sweetie, the offense scores six points for a touchdown, then most of the time, the kicker has to kick it over the goalpost for the seventh point" Rex expalined more of football to Kay. " now and then the offense goes for two points by running the ball into the end zone or passing it to a running back or wide reciever or tight end for two points in the end zone" Rex told Kay more about football.