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Old 02-22-2010, 10:10 PM   #2 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Default The Unexpected
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

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Chapter 1: The Unexpected
The ocean was deep. All you had to do was go under and it would drown your every pain, heartbreak, lie, and tear. That’s just what she needed; something to take away her every feeling at the moment. Standing up suddenly, she jerked off her hoody in a hurry.

“You know, there’s no reason to leave in a hurry. I’m not as cruel as some may think,” someone from behind her stated with much disdain. Emily Black whipped her head around to see Draco Malfoy standing, his hands in his pockets, with a sneer on his pale face. The wind whisked her hair around her; a few strands stuck on her tear-stained face. He was waiting for her to say something, but no words were coming to her lips. She was about to give up everything, her entire life, and he was the one to come to the rescue? Wasn’t prince charming supposed to save the day, not a bratty, stuck up, Slytherin, rich prat like Malfoy? Of course, it was just her luck to get stuck with him; why not make her life suck more now? It was the last straw. She wasn’t going to deal with his rude personality at a time like this.

“What do you want, Malfoy?” she replied with an equal amount of disdain.

“You’re not the only one having a bad day, Black,” he spat. He then bit his lip, as if he were saying too much. “Aren’t you cold without your jacket?” He tried to change the subject quickly.

“Actually, I was about to go for a swim. So, if you’ll excuse me.” Emily tried to walk past him, to get rid of him, but he held out his arm to block her. “What are you playing at?” she growled.

“Can I, I mean do you think I, would you mind if I joined you? I could use a swim I mean.” He shuffled his feet, looking at the ground.

“Er, I guess. But you have to leave your wand on the shore. I don’t want you trying anything.” She cursed herself, knowing her suicidal plans were now ruined; she didn’t want any witnesses. He nodded and followed her down the beach. She took off her sneakers and socks and felt the cool sand beneath her feet, between her toes. It was relaxing. It also reminded her of someone she was trying to forget, which caused more tears to spill out of the corner of her eyes. She stripped down to her bra and panties, not caring that Malfoy was gaping at her.

“What the bloody hell are you doing? It’s freezing out here!” Malfoy nearly shouted.

“I knew you were clueless, Malfoy, but I didn’t think you were that dumb. I’m getting ready to go in the water.” Emily kept her face blank, trying to free herself of emotion.

Draco Malfoy didn’t reply, but decided to strip down as well. Maybe this experience would take his frustration away too. Shivering from head to foot, he took her lead and walked to the shoreline. At least they didn’t have to worry about onlookers; no one was around. Emily peeked at him from the corner of her eye and blushed; though, you couldn’t tell due to her rosy cheeks from the cold wind. She was secretly glad that she was wearing matching, cute undergarments.

They walked slowly towards the crashing waves, chill bumps crawling up their legs to their arms. They were waist-deep when they decided to stop and just sink in the water. Unaware of how, they were facing each other, both not knowing what to say. The pull of the water from the waves kept bringing them closer together, causing them to constantly tiptoe backwards a few steps. Emily was shivering violently, already numb, rubbing her hands over her arms trying to make friction. Draco, also shivering, decided to move his arms around under water, going with the physical approach; he decided to himself that a little movement would warm him up.

“So, what brought you here, to La Push, in the freezing weather?” Draco asked, trying to make small talk, as it was deadly silent around except for the waves crashing on the shore.

“I just got into a fight with someone I loved. Case closed. What about you?” Emily replied.

“I found out that I’ve been arranged to marry Pansy. Needed some air.”

“So, you don’t even get to choose who you marry? What about true love?”
Emily asked despite herself. She kind of felt bad for him. What am I thinking! Cut it out, Emily, you can’t go feeling bad for Malfoy, she chided herself.

Draco seemed a bit taken aback with her sudden interest. “There is no such thing as true love when it comes to the pureblood line,” he stated dully.

She could tell he wasn’t happy and felt a sudden urge to hug him, to tell him to run away, to come live with her, anything that would get him out of this. What am I thinking, she chided herself again.

“I’m so sorry, Draco, I can only imagine how you must feel.” He jumped slightly at the sound of his name coming out of the Gryffindor’s mouth.

“Thanks for the sympathy,” he whispered into the wind.

“Wow, things sure did turn serious all of a sudden. What do you say we lighten things up a bit?” she asked with a mischievous grin.

“What did you have in mind exactly?” he asked skeptically.

“How about a little race? First one to that pier wins.” She saw the unsure look in his eyes and added, “Unless you’re scared...”

“Scared, Black? You wish.” He grinned and then bent low under the surface getting ready for her to say ‘go.’

Emily laughed for a second and then, standing side by side with Draco Malfoy, tensed and yelled, “Go!” And the two were off, both swimming as fast as they could through the numbness. Emily was gaining speed; she loved swimming, she could do it all day if the option was given to her. Seeing that he was falling behind, Draco kicked harder and faster. They were now neck and neck. The wooden column that was holding up the pier was coming fast. Both of them picked up the pace, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to stand losing to the other. Emily set her eyes on the splintering wood where she knew her victory would occur, while Draco did the same. They were meters from it, feet from it, and then they were there. Both reached out their arms as far as they would go and leapt at the wood. They couldn't tell who touched the hard surface first, so decided to make it a tie.

“,” Draco finally got out through deep breaths.

“Yeah, that was fun,” Emily laughed.

Deciding that they both fancied the warm, they dragged their feet out of the water and back onto the cool sand. It was even more freezing now that their bodices were dripping wet. The wind lashed out at them as if they were being punished. They ran down the beach towards their clothes and wands. Finally reaching the piles of articles, Emily grabbed her pants, trying to find warmth. Draco started throwing on his own clothes.

Plopping down on the sand, Emily thought about her initial intentions of this trip and shivered. Though she didn’t want to admit it, she was glad that Draco was here; he saved her, prince charming or not. Lounging down next to her, Draco was silently grateful he had decided to come to this beach. Emily pulled her knees up to her chest, throwing her arms around them and resting her chin on top. Draco laid back, watching her soaking, curly, red hair whip around in the wind. She was beautiful, there was no denying it, and Draco was definitely not denying it. She shivered, and he involuntarily scooted closer to her, throwing his arm around her shoulder.

Jumping, she wondered what he was playing at, but she didn’t voice her question. She sighed and leaned into his shoulder. Not knowing where his actions were coming from, Draco tightened his hold on her, laying his head on top of hers. Neither were sure if they should be doing this, feeling the emotions they were experiences. Emily turned her head, facing him, and all of her previous thoughts left her. She looked deep into his gray eyes and knew that she was right where she was supposed to be. He stared back and was reassured of his actions, knowing automatically that he was drawn to this beach for a reason, and that reason was the hazel-eyed beauty before him. He leaned towards her a little, not breaking eye contact, as she did the same. Before they knew what was happening, their lips touched. Both were freezing, yet when their lips met, warmth flooded over their bodies. His velvety lips against her soft, voluptuous ones. It was quick, but in that little peck, Emily Black and Draco Malfoy fell for each other. Realizing what they did, they broke apart embarrassed.

“Sorry. I mean I didn’t mean to...I just...I’m sorry,” Draco stuttered.

“Right, I’m sorry, too. I...have to go,” Emily stood up quickly, grabbing her wand. “Bye.” She started walking toward the trees.

“Yeah, me too. I guess I’ll see on the Hogwarts Express. Bye.” Draco watched her walk away, regretting his actions. How could she ever like you, Draco? She’s a Gryffindor and you’re a Slytherin, he thought to himself. He slowly stood up and walked toward the location he hid his broom. He heard her soft "Right, see you then" through the wind.

*Constructive criticism is welcome please.

Last edited by Emileyn; 10-11-2010 at 03:14 AM.
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