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Old 02-22-2010, 08:04 PM   #158 (permalink)
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Isla "LaLa" Williams
Second Year
Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)

Enjoy sorry for the delay !!!!

PARAMORE AND YOU ME AT SIX (music is soo inspiring)

WARNING : I can't spell so there will be errors sorry haha

Chapter 10

The Halloween feast as usual was magnificant. Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table waiting for Harry, Ginny and Ron to join her. Her and Draco and broke up after Hermione had told him that she had nearly got Ron back and Draco couldn't take it anymore and dumped her.(reallllllllllllllllly sorry Dramione fans) Hermione was fighting to keep the tears at bay when she gazed at the entrance of the great hall her jaw dropped. Neville had just walking in hand in hand with a now dirty blonde Hayley Veldings!!!!!! What the hell!Hermione thought as she watched Hayley kiss Nevilles cheek, let go of his hand, walk over and sitting next to a wide eyed Chloe.
" Shes great isn't she." Neville said as he sat down and saw where Hermione was looking.
"Uhm Neville....What the hell." she said desiding to speak her mind.
Harry, Ginny and Ron had now join then getting the tail end of the conversation.
"Awh Neville, what did you blow up this time?" Ginny asked.
"Nothing." hermione answered for him." Apparently he's dating Hayley Veldings!" They all turned to look at him gobsmacked.
"How did that happen." Harry asked totally forgetting about the mountains of food infront of him.
"Dunno really.There was the full thing in the cuboard lastnight and then at lunch I asked her out." He said and started to load food onto his plate.
"Do we even want to know what happened in the cuboard." Ron asked and they all started laughing.

My head suddenly was seering with pain. I jumped up from the table and walked, trying not to attract attention, out of the hall. When I was away from everyone I sprinted out the castle and into the forest. When the pain was to much I collapsed against a tree.
"Naughty Hayley, not doing your job just so you can spent your time will that stupid lump of a boy."
"Stop it, Bellatrix take the stupid curse off of me."
"Very well but the dark lord is not happy. He knows about your little boyfriend and if he is distracting you then I will sovle that problem."
"No!" I cringed at the hurt in my voice.
"awh is little Hayley going to miss her boyfriend."
" No he's my way of getting what I need. He's friends with Harry Potter and he will tell me if I ask about him." I lied swiftly
"Hmm your quite a smart little girl aren't you.If you little plan fails however you know what the dark lord will do and your little byfriend won't be able to help you." Her shril laugh echoed as she disapperated. It was soo stupid of her to use the crutatius curse on me just to get me out of the castle. Bellatrix trully was evil. I leaned agains the tree tears pouring down my face as I thought of all the people I had now put in danger. I was really starting to like all of Nevilles friends even though I had never had a proper conversation with them.

Who would I choose to die?

Them.... or me ?

Hope you enjoyed
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