"Do you know anything about Metamagi blood?" Matheu didn't quite expect anyone other than his family to know what the world it is.
"I'm trying to figure out what would balance the properties of the blood sample to create a potion that will actually morph the DNA of a specimen. Specifically plants." It was an odd question, but plants are the next complicated thing to animals and Matheu wasn't going there!
"Here is what I've come up with." He passed his notes to the professor.
CH3)3C–OH + HCl (37%) <-- --> (CH3)3C–OH2(+) Cl(–) <-- --> (CH3)3C(+) Cl(–) + H2O --> (CH3)3C–Cl + H2O
dy/dx + 4E(y) = Rn(x)/uPl(y)
1) Ginger
2) Mistletoe
3) Jobberknoll
4) Egg yolk
5) Cherry wood embers/coals
ooc: The chemistry is just cut and paste gibberish.