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Old 02-20-2010, 10:34 PM   #3742 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Ferris's brown eyes fluttered open to gaze lovingly at the girl before him, his smile warm as he watched her for a brief moment. He felt spectacular; this had to be one of the best feelings he'd ever be able to experience. He felt like he had shown her a lot as well as received quite the message from the girl before him, and he couldn't have been happier. It was then that Vianna told him he was the best, a comment that got him to chuckle softly, his brown eyes a little dazed. "Nah..." he murmured, a hint of sheepishness in his gaze before she then went on, wishing aloud that they had a place to sit.

Ferris immediately pulled out his wand, and ever the little nerd, knew a spell that might help them. "Anything for you my dear," the boy said playfully before murmuring a long spell towards the tree. And very much like that one day back in England, in the secret graveyard meadow, the tree's branches extended into a swinging bench, a few of the other branches coming above the newly formed sitting area to create shade. He smiled at his handiwork before taking a seat and pulling Vianna down mostly on his lap so she wouldn't have to sit on the dirty tree branches. "We don't want you getting dirty, now, do we?" Ferris told her, realizing she might not understand why he was keeping her so close to himself when they had the whole bench.
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