Thread: Harry Potter: Abby - Sa +13
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Old 02-20-2010, 06:59 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jeremy Bradford
Fifth Year
Default Chapter Two: Part Three
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."

I continued down the quiet hallways, passing Nearly Headless Nick who merely nodded his head at me before drifting on. It wasn't until I walking down a hallway on the fifth floor, hoping to take a portrait shortcut to the Fat Lady when I sensed that there was something following me. I stopped in the middle of the hallway and closed my eyes.

So close. This is perfect. All alone with no Dumbledore to help her now.

I gently slid my hand into my robe and grasped onto my wand. Clearly Umbridge was not as intelligent as she thought she was. Opening my eyes I took a deep breath and relaxed my stance.

"Hello Professor Umbridge."

How in the world did she know it was me?

I turned on the spot and smiled at her warmly. She had been half hidden behind one of the iron knights, which had turned its head down to start at her skeptically.

"What are you doing roaming the corridors at such a late hour Miss Carson?"

Umbridge stepped out from behind the knight and walked towards me quickly, an air of authority coursing through her entire being. Despite the corridor being fairly dark her bright pink attire allowed for her to stick out like a sore thumb.

"I just got done talking with Professor Dumbledore," I said with a gentle smile.

"Oh yes, that's where you were."

She stared at me for a couple of moments, waiting for me to crack and explain in grave detail what it was that we had discussed. I was able to hide my amusement at how much faith this woman had in her persuasive capabilities. On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the kind of person who everyone confused their most desire secrets to, she was a zero.

"Well, what exactly was it that you two were discussing?" Her voice squeaked and went up an octave at the end. She was observing me with that sickeningly sweet smile of hers and had clasped her hands together across her round belly.

"How I need to not be so forgetful. You see I left this valuable little artifact my mother had given me at the end of last term, and he was just returning it to me."

How stupid does she think I am? "Really? Well that certainly did take a long time for Dumbledore to return this artifact to you."

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. "I guess time flies when you're with Dumbledore. Now if you don't mind professor I am going to head up to my bed. I am really tired from the trip and everything, and I don't want to be too tired for my first day of classes."

"Just one more moment. May I see what exactly the artifact he gave you was?"

I've got her now.

"Sure." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small wooden carving of an owl. I held it out on the palm of my hand in case she wanted to hold it for herself.

That's it? That's what he gave her? Well what use is that?! Surely there was something else that Dumbledore had brought her into his office for.

"May I go now Professor?" I asked with another warm smile.

Her face had turned red with frustrated, and she shook her hand violently, signaling I was free to go. I turned around and continued walking, shoving the wooden figure into my pocket and smiling to myself as I listened to the fuming argument going on inside of her head.

I got to the top of the steps and stared at the Fat Lady when I realized I had no idea what the password was.

"Password?" she asked, trying to stifle a yawn in its tracks.

"Well actually I am not sure."

"No password, no entrance. Sorry my dear."

I sighed and sat down in front of the portrait. I was trying to think if I had heard anyone think it before I went off with Dumbledore when the portrait swung open and nearly toppled me over. I stood up and jumped when I saw that it was Harry.

"Hey Abby. I figured you wouldn't know the password so I've been checking every half hour or so to see if you got back."

"Thanks Harry," I said, realizing that even though I didn't want to I should probably start reading his thoughts.

I wonder if she would tell me what they are talking about. I mean I always tell the three of them everything so it would only seem fair that Abby tell me what Dumbledore wanted her for.

"So, how is Dumbledore?"

"He's good. Same old you know." I felt my eyes shift to the ground.

"Do you too mind either going or staying out?"

"Sorry," Harry mumbled and went through the portrait entrance in front of me. Once we had gotten into the room Harry turned around and looked at me hopefully.

Abby is always honest with me. I mean even when Ron and Hermione try to keep things from me, Abby doesn't baby me. I mean she tells me how it is. So I am sure if I just ask her what he wanted she will tell me.

Harry swallowed nervously and smiled. "So what did Dumbledore want?"

"Nothing important Harry. He just wanted to give me back that wooden owl that I left here last term."

You've got to be kidding me. Surely that was not it. I mean, he would have just brought it to dinner if that was the case, wouldn't he?

"Really, that's it? I mean, it seemed like whatever he wanted to talk to you about, it was important."

"Really Harry that was it. Sorry that it's not more exciting. Believe me I wish it had been."

"Yeah, yeah. Well I guess I'll head off to bed now that you're back and everything. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright. Thanks for waiting Harry."

I watched him go up the stairs, his mind reeling with theories about what Dumbledore and I may have been talking about. I shook my head lightly before following him to bed. Everyone in the room was sleeping soundly, so I gently walked to my bed and pulled the curtains closed. Once I had pulled on my pajamas and was under the sheets it occurred to me how difficult this was going to be. I had always found a kind of comfort in not knowing everything about my closest friends and they seemed to appreciate the privacy that I gave them. Now, here I was, violating that trust completely with the very person whose thoughts I tried the hardest to stay out of. But what choice did I have? Harry needed my help and Dumbledore truly believes this is the only way to help him.

With a sigh of submission I closed my eyes and searched through the minds of the people around me, until I landed comfortably inside of Harry's.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know

If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
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