Originally Posted by
Celandine didn't like the look on the man's face, or the question he asked. It was uncomfortable that she had very few facts to work with, she liked facts. It was all feelings right now and suspicions.
"People are getting hurt." She knew that much. "And its something to do with this place. And with you." She took another backwards step towards the door not willing to take her eyes off the bartender. If thats who he really was.
The girl was definitely off her tree and Samuel had, had enough of this crazy talk. Moving very quickly so that she had no time to react, he seized her by the arm and began dragging her out the back door.
"Now you're accusing me of hurting people" he said harshly, "I hope you've got proof because not only am I going to tell the authorities that you were trespassing but I'll have you for slander as well." Samuel pushed her through the door and out into the alley behind the shop.
Originally Posted by
DH Vixen
Pulling out three galleons, Mina handed them to the pubkeeper. Since she was paying for them, she might as well tip. Something was telling her, most people probably came in with the coupons and didn't tip. A single galleon wouldn't make a big difference or anything, but at least her conscience was at ease.
Reaching for the bottles, she slid one over to Ella. "Thank you, sir." she replied. He looked like he didn't want to even be there and grumpy to boot, but that wasn't going to really stop her from being polite anyway.
"Yeah, yeah whatever" Samuel muttered as he snatched up the money and headed back to the bar, pocketing the tip as fast as he could.