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Old 02-19-2010, 04:52 PM   #656 (permalink)
Danny Boy
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Join Date: Dec 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Daniel Evans Weasley
Fifth Year
Default ooc: so like im going somewhere for the weekend. Be back on sunday!
I'm ready!

Originally Posted by Spencer.Reid.Obsessive View Post
Georgiana rolled her eyes at the other two girls, Marie and who ever the other was. She had bigger fish to fry, but suddenly Kay had dragged Rex over as well and she was all bubbly towards Marie. WHAT THE HELL WAS UP!? She looked from Kay to Barry then over at Rex, they were certainly in trouble now.

Turning back to the other girl Georgiana leaned back and crossed her arms. "No, I'm afraid he's not." she gave a small sigh, obviously the girl was just going to keep denying it. So why not just go along with it. She rolled her eyes and forced a smile, though she couldn't keep the hatred out of her eyes. "So sorry about that, I must just be uptight. But placing accusation towards you when you were merely being nice." Yeah, fat chance of THAT. She held her hand across the table, "Georgiana, pleasure to meet you..." not really.

Georgiana's mouth dropped open slightly. The world...was a happy place full of love and sunshine??? As weird as all this was, and as ironic, Georgiana still had to bite her lip to keep from laughing, and she clutched the table so she wouldn't fall out of her chair. She let her head drop slightly, her shoulders shaking from silents laughter as her hair covered her face. As angry as she was, potioned Barry was funny as hell. But she preferred her Barry still. Of course, she hadn't though about the fact it would make her look as if she were crying. She lifted her head hearing him, "well, er," What the hell was she supposed to say!? Go with it. "Yeah."
Originally Posted by individual View Post
SPOILER!!: peoples

This was...


Evelyn couldn't handle it, for two reasons though. One, it was starting to get crowded at the table and people were invading her space which she HATED with a passion, and two, this was funny as all get out!

Snickering, she crossed her arms and shook her head, a small smirk on her lips as she stared at what was going on. Though she was gunna have to watch out for that one girl, Georgilly or whatever she said her name was. Apparently the girlfriend of the weird boy who drank the potion meant for Rex.

But, for now, she was just going to sit back and watch the show.
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands View Post
Oh this was just turning out so, so wrong. Who would have thought Kay would drink something Marie gave her? Which reminded Destiny had the butterbeer Kay had given her. The was absolutely no way she was drinking that now. Yuck! kay and Rex were too lovey dovey at the moment.


Ugggh, yeah. He was way too happy. Destiny's potion might have been extra strong or something. Too much happiness is unhealthy, that's for sure. 'My name is Destiny.' It was a surprise he didn't already know it. She was sure Rex and or Kay had mentioned it a few time. 'Yeahhh..' Quidditch and teamwork? Random conversation, but Destiny put on a smile anyway, 'Yep! Quidditch is fun! Do you play?'

The niceness was seeping everywhere!

Right. Destiny was indeed nice, just not to anyone associated with Kay and Rex. 'Apology accepted!' she smiled back. Gahhh! Her face was going to be stuck into a never ending smile after this was over. Destiny reached over and accepted the offered hand, 'Destiny. And the pleasure is all mine.' Whatever that meant. She heard that on the muggle box once.

She eyed the butterbeer Kay had given to her and she smirked, 'Georgiana? Would you like a butterbeer?' Because there was one sitting. Right. There.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC View Post
"Hi Barry, hi Georgie, nice to meet you two, again." Yes, Marie knew who they were, she had met them at the castle over the summer when she was still friends with Kay. "So what brings you two to our table? In the mood for some friendly conversation are you?" Okay, so maybe that was going a little overboard but hey they are the ones that sat down with them.

Marie looked up just in time to see Kay down the butterbeer she gave her. Oh this was going to be fun. Here sat Barry and Georgie being all nice and now.... Oh how disgusting, Kay kissed Rex on the mouth. 'She better not start feeding him anything' she thought as she quickly turned away from them. Oh and now here they were coming over to the table too. Haha, their little Magical Five group coming to sit with a table of Slytherins. Boy would they be mad later when they realized why they were all being so darn nice, bwahaha.

"Hello Kay, nice of you to come sit with us." Okay, so she was going to have to work a little harder on being nice if she was going to pull this off. "Um yeah, I've missed talking to you too." 'About as much as I've missed Kazi taking points from me' she thought. Of course she wouldn't say that, she just smiled at Kay as she sat down.

Looking at Evelyn it seemed she was just going to sit there and enjoy the show. Maybe she needed to give her potion to someone and join the fun. maybe she cold get Rex to drink hers since butterbeer thief Barry took the one Destiny gave him. Now if only she could figure out a way to suggest this to Evelyn without everyone knowing what they were talking about.
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
" You should know what is in the potion" Rex told Georgie. " Who knows maybe we will all be nice to each other for the rst of the term" Rex said to Georgie. " So are you and Barry a couple?" Rex asked Georgie.

"So this is how you treat me?" Rex asked Barry " Don't you think you should have asked me for my butterbeer?" Rex asked Barry. "Destiny brought it over for me to drink and I wanted to make amends with her and was going to drink it" Rex explained to Barry. " This is what you think of "The Magical Five?" Rex asked Barry." I hope you enjoyed my butterbeer" Rex sneered at Barry, then laughed. " It is cool" Rex told Barry. ' Better not happen again" Rex laughed.

" Are you ok?" Rex asked Kay. " Yes, you are friends but I know why" Rex said to Kay. " I had been honest with Marie, Evelyn and Destiny so we could all get along again." Rex explained to Kay. " I have an ancedote for you and let's get out of here" Rex whispered to Kay.
The potion was begining to wear off. He looked over to Evelyn. "Oh. What happened? Why you so sad. I don`t like it when your sad" he said. What was her name? How could he not know her name and like her?

Next, Destiny. He liked her the most. Maybe if he wasn`t with George he might have even considered...."Quidditch? I like it but no I don`t play. I think its much better to watch and support. That way everyones happy. You?" Barry wasn`t normally this happy. Something was going on. Oh but no being happy was fuuuuuuuuuuuun. So he let it slide and went on being loopy Barry.

"Hi Marie!" Barry said smiling at his friend. They were friends right? They talked and didn`t fight so they were friends. "Yes I love slytherins, why wouldn`t I talk to them?" Barry didn`t know Kay and Rex hated the girls.

Rex! "Hey Rex! I`m sorry, I took some other potion which made me thirsty" A habit of his, taking potions " Come sit with us! Were all friends now!" Yay! He looked at Georgie and leaned in and gave her a small kiss. He still felt weird
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