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Old 02-19-2010, 02:48 AM   #3656 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Ferris couldn't help but smile once more as Vianna explained that if he didn't move around too much, it could be quite nice to sit in a hammock. He watched as she then laid down on her back, inviting him to come lay down with her before quickly instructing him not to fall off. He laughed aloud at this, all too amused that his girlfriend knew him that well. He laid down at her side carefully, gently slipping his lanky arms around her with an amsued smile, "Good thing you told me, I was just thinking about diving off the edge and onto the grass," he told her teasingly, his brown eyes admiring her with a warm smile, "But I won't now."
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