Another glass of water...Eeeh?? <.< >,> v.v ^,^! Ivory stepped into the Great Hall taking deep 'just-got-out-of-bed' breaths.
Mind you that these are not to be mistaken with 'Morning breaths' because of course those reek of halitosis...No these were 'morning-but-brushed-by-teeth' breaths.
Much better liked ones.
Making her way to the Ravenclaw table, she reached her hand into her robes and withdrew her phial of Camaraderie Concoction. Smiling brightly she uncorked it and brought it up to her nose to sniff it a bit. Gosh, it even smelled sunny.
Hoping that meant it was top notch, she reached for the pitcher of water on the nearby Staff table and poured some into a glass. Then looking around covertly she quickly poured the contents of the phial in as well. Every last drop.
Grabbing a nearby spoon, she mixed it vigorously until the water looked like regular innocent water. Snickering evilly to herself, she held the glass protectively against her. She already had a certain cute Ravenclaw boy in mind who she'd love to have as a friend.
Walking between the tables, her large brown eyes roving around for the boy they came across Professor Duskurk sitting not too far off.
Immediately her mission was forgotten as she remembered the earlier class period with him, where she'd been stunned and confounded till no end.
Blushing with embarrassment, as her steps took her closer to him she vowed to make a better first impression. When? Well now was a good time as any.
With sweaty palms she finally came face to face with the man, and felt herself gulping for air. Was it hot in here or was it just her?
Licking her lips, she put her glass down and wiped her hands on her robes. "Good morning, Professor," her mind quite literally went blank. What now?
You look more sinister than usual today? Your robes look extra black? Turn that frown upside down? Don't worry be happy?
Shaking her head her eyes wide with disbelief at even thinking she'd be able to talk to this man in a social setting, she grabbed the first glass her hand came in contact with. Unfortunately for both of them it wasn't the right one.
Nodding her head and closing her mouth before she said something like 'Don't worry be happy' she turned heel and almost ran back to her house table. |