Originally Posted by
Pink Ninja
Alexa just smirked and shook her head. "I am just fine right here, thanks, " she told the barkeep. Glancing around she spotted the girl (LIS) also sitting at the bar and smiled.
Picking up a glass and glaring at the girl, Samuel wiped the glass out with unnecessary force. "Well don't expect me to talk to you." He slammed the glass onto the shelf, realizing he had in fact just spoken to her.
Originally Posted by
Sneakeh Cat
Kneazle got your tongue? Ha! Very funny.
"I'm happy to see you, too," she sarcastically replied.
"I just want a butterbeer." She placed the
coupon on the counter and smiled.
"Of course you do" he replied sarcastically and grabbing the coupon. If he had to hand out one more free butterbeer, he was gonna start hexing things.
Samuel scrutinized the coupon carefully, running his wand over it and then snarled when it proved to be authentic. He stamped it and slammed it back onto the counter along with the butterbeer. And decided to just not say anymore.