I Nailed Wormtail Love Hunter Extraordinaire Mooncalf
Join Date: Sep 2009 Location: Not the beach
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| Meet You Under The Moon - Sa16+ ♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥ Alrighty, so this is my first go at a fanfic and I hope I don't disappoint. This story adds a character to the Wizarding World. It will stay as close to canon as possible but will have to adjust a bit to the new character. This story also shows a new side to Lupin. The main character is Sirius' daughter and Lupin's Goddaughter, which also brings me to the fact that Lupin wasn't ever homeless or alone... At least not in my story... EVERYTHING in the Wizarding world belongs to the amazing, incredible JK Rowling, except of course the character I invented. The locations, people, etc. are hers and only hers. So, here goes.  Banner by Me Prologue:
On a dark and misty night, in Surrey, a baby boy was being taken to his Aunt and Uncle’s house. His parents had just been murdered by the greatest evil ever seen, and he was now an orphan. But this is not a story about Harry James Potter, The Boy Who Lived. This story takes place a few hours later, in Shell Cottage, where a baby girl was being transferred to her Godfather’s.
A tabby looking cat with squared markings shaping her eyes stood on the corner of Shell Cottage and Sandy Lane. She had been on that same corner for a little over an hour. Glancing around, she shivered once and then rested her eyes upon a deserted patch of pavement right under a lamppost. After what seemed like ten minutes, there was a flicker of movement from a nearby bush. A man in long dress-robes and a pointed wizard’s hat stepped out into the light and clicked a cigarette lighter look alike. The closest light went out. After clicking it multiple times, the whole street was completely black. In the strange looking man’s other arm was a bundle of pink blankets with the softest sound of heavy breathing. The tabby cat transformed, for a second time that night, into her “human form.” “Good Evening, Professor Dumbledore,” stated the witch as she walked up to him, her emerald robes billowing out behind her. “Good Evening, or shall I say morning, Professor McGonagall,” smiled the tall wizard. “Long time, no see,” he chuckled. “Albus, is it true? Did Sirius really betray them? His best friend, Albus?” “I’m afraid the truth is not always easily seen, Minerva. We may never know what has truly happened. But, what I do know is that Sirius was found in a street with twelve muggles dead and only a finger left of Peter Pettigrew. He has been taken to Azkaban, and Amelia, going after him, found herself in the crossfire. I don’t know if Sirius will ever be able to forgive himself for that.” “What will happen to Emily?”
“That, Minerva, is what brings us to another neighborhood tonight. I think it will be best if we take her to her godfather’s house. I think he will want to take her.” “First Harry and now Emily; what has the world come to?”
“Ahh, Minerva, let’s not dwell upon the unpleasant. Once again, think of what has happened. He is gone, for now at least.”
“So, you don’t think he’s gone for good?”
“Only time can tell. Shall we get her inside?” asked Dumbledore, indicating the pink bundles in his hand.
The witch nodded, and they glided down the street. As they walked, they felt the light breeze linger in the air. The smell of the ocean swirled around them, stinging their nostrils a bit. Staying on the out-skirt of the street, they rounded right before stopping in front of a white cottage with flowers outlining the walk to the door. There was a dim light through one of the upstairs’ windows. Dumbledore and McGonagall made their way to the door, then knocked three times. While they waited, Dumbledore hummed a show tune and McGonagall stared at the baby they were about to hand off. They heard footsteps echo through the house, lights flipping on as they grew louder. The footsteps stopped and a man’s eyes could be seen peeping out the curtain. After realizing whom it was, a mediocre, straggly man with wild hair and deep circles under his green eyes opened the door. “Albus, Minerva, what brings you to my neck of the woods?” asked the man, eyeing the two. He then noticed the pink blankets. His eyes widened and he nearly choked. “No, it can’t be. There’s been a mistake. Please tell me it’s not that, anything but that. They’re not...”
Albus held up his hand. “Dear boy, we can’t afford to lose you too, please calm down, Remus. Everything will be all right. May we enter?” Albus asked.
The man named Remus motioned for them to enter. After closing the door behind them, he made his way to the living room. Minerva and Albus sat side-by-side on the long couch while Remus took the armchair opposite them. Minerva took the baby girl from Albus’ hands and rocked her gently. Remus leaned his head back against the chair; he looked ghastly. He had turned pale white and was shaking slightly. Opening his eyes, he looked over at the pink blankets where he knew his goddaughter was hiding. “Remus, we need to talk about a few things,” stated Dumbledore softly, but sternly. Remus nodded so Dumbledore continued. “Sirius was found in the middle of a street with his wand; twelve muggles are dead, but that’s not all. Not only muggles were in that street.” Albus was staring into Remus’ eyes with a sad expression. He felt sorry for Remus Lupin; he was about to tell him that he has lost all of his best friends—James, Peter, and even Sirius in some ways. Remus nodded, as if knowing what was about to be said. “It was believed that Peter Pettigrew searched for Sirius tonight to kill him for his betrayal against James and Lily. All they found of Pettigrew was his finger. Also, Amelia; she heard that Sirius might have been in trouble. She went after him and got blasted in the crossfire. I’m so sorry, Remus, I know this is difficult for you,” Dumbledore continued.
Silence followed after Dumbledore finished. Remus had tears welling up in his eyes. He couldn’t believe it. Prongs was dead. Lily was dead. Wormtail was dead. Amelia was dead. Padfoot was in Azkaban for causing the deaths. Everything was crumbling around him. He let a few tears escape before wiping them off. McGonagall took a tissue from the inside of her robes and sniffled behind it. She, too, was crying. Remus got out of his chair and knelt down in front of Professor McGonagall, looking at his goddaughter intently. A pale pink hand dropped out of the pink bundles, and Remus reached up, putting his forefinger inside it. The little fist closed around Remus’ finger. “Albus, what happens to Emily?” asked Remus, looking up. He searched the old man’s face. “She doesn’t have any living grandparents, Remus. She is your goddaughter, so I thought we might give you a chance to take her. If you do not wish to take responsibility, we understand and will take her to an orphanage first thing tomorrow morning,” stated Dumbledore. “Of course I’ll take her,” said Remus without thinking. “She is going to be a great responsibility, Remus, are you absolutely positive?” asked Professor McGonagall. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Minerva,” stated Remus determinedly. “It’s settled then. I will need you to sign a few papers, just saying that you will be her guardian and what not, and we will be on our way,” smiled Dumbledore.
Remus nodded his head and motioned for the old wizard to follow him to the kitchen to sign the papers. McGonagall stayed in the living room with the baby girl sound asleep. Flipping the lights as he went, the tabby looking man sat at the head of the table, Dumbledore sitting on his left. Dumbledore rummaged in his cloak for a second, then pulled out a long stick. With a flick of his wand, some papers, a quill, and ink appeared. Remus looked into Dumbledore’s eyes and had the feeling that he was being x-rayed; like Dumbledore could see right through him. The old wizard gave him a small smile, nodding a bit. “Sign here and here.” Dumbledore indicated to two lines then pushed the papers towards Remus.
Remus signed the papers, and with the flick of his wand, Dumbledore made the papers once again disappear. “Is that all?” Remus asked. “Yes, that will be all for now. I believe the ministry is looking over Amelia’s will and then they will be in touch shortly. Now, I believe we will let you and your goddaughter get some rest. Best wishes and if you were to need anything, please don’t hesitate to send an owl.” The old wizard pushed his chair out and stood up. Walking into the other room, he stated, “Minerva, I think it may be time for us to leave and not intrude on Mr. Lupin any longer.”
Standing up, the petite witch looked over to Lupin and took half a step. Remus met her the rest of the way and took the baby girl in his hands, balancing all of her weight evenly. The tabby wizard walked his guests to the door and bid them a goodnight. He watched as the two disappeared down the dark street. Closing the blinds, Remus Lupin walked up his stairs to his bedroom, flipping lights off as he went.
Pulling out his wand with his right hand, as his left was preoccupied, he waved it. A blur of pink and green scurried around the room, and after a few seconds, the silence prevailed. Trudging over to the pink crib by his bed, he sat the pink bundles down. He pulled a green blanket, which was engraved with ‘Emily J. R. A. S. Black,’ over the side of the crib and tucked Emily into it. Sighing, he sat down on the edge of his bed. Taking off his worn out tennis shoes, he glanced at the clock. It was after 2AM. It’s been a long day, he thought. Turning the lamp by his bed off, he lay back on his pillows and fell asleep to the soft breathing of the other life that he vowed to protect. SPOILER!!: Chapter Guide CHAPTER GUIDE: Chapter 1: The Unexpected, post 2, post 3, post 4, post 5, post 6, post 7, post 8, post 9, post 10, post 11 Chapter 2: Secrets, post 2, post 3, post 4, post 5, post 6, post 7 Chapter 3: Confessions, post 2, post 3, post 4, post 5, post 6, post 7, post 8, post 9, post 10, post 11 Chapter 4: Confrontations and Dates, post 2, post 3, post 4, post 5, post 6, post 7, post 8, post 9, post 10, post 11, post 12, post 13, post 14, post 15, post 16 Chapter 5: New Beginnings, post 2, post 3, post 4, post 5, post 6, post 7, post 8, post 9, post 10, post 11, post 12 Chapter 6: Forever and Always, post 2, post 3, post 4, post 5, post 6, post 7, post 8, post 9, post 10, post 11, post 12, post 13, post 14, post 15 Chapter 7: Battles of Life, post 2, post 3, post 4, post 5, post 6, post 7, post 8, post 9, post 10, post 11, post 12, post 13, post 14, post 15, post 16, post 17, post 18, post 19, post 20, post 21, post 22, post 23, post 24, post 25, post 26, post 27, post 28, post 29, post 30, post 31, post 32, post 33, post 34, post 35, post 36 Chapter 8: Meet You Under the Moon, post 2, post 3, post 4, post 5, post 6, post 7, post 8, post 9, post 10 Epilogue: 19 Years Leater
Last edited by demented_death_eater; 07-11-2011 at 02:35 AM.
Reason: Chapter Guides :)