Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
When all was said and done, Gabriella was only left to glance at the girl with yet another apologetic look. She still didn't know what had happened two terms ago, nor did she really need to know, but the girl had a been a trooper, regardless.
"You're free to stay in here until the effects of the potion wear off," she said, eying the girl's ears. "I know you're probably ready to get out of here, too, though, so you're free to leave when you'd like. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to." Gabriella, after all, wasn't too fond of taking medicine either. Pepperup Potion, especially, was rather unpleasant on the body---mainly the ears.
Grabbing a quill, Gabriella marked Herminny and Kiri as being healed. It'd been a long day---and a trying day---but it'd been a productive day. "If there's nothing else I can do for you, Miss Starstalker, I'm going to head back to the waiting room to see to a few additional patients. Have a nice day," she said, heading towards the door. A few seconds later, she was back in the hallways and on her way to the waiting room.
"Er, you too," Kiri said hastily, drying her ears with the sleeve of her robe, a little surprised at the abruptness of the nurse's departure. "Thank you, Healer Ashford!" she called after the woman, and then she was gone, the click-clack of her shoes audible for a few more seconds. Kiri didn't blame her for not sticking around - the waiting room had been full of people with what looked like serious injuries (similar to each other's too, so maybe they'd been in a duel or something), and after administering the Pepperup Potion, there wasn't really anything the healer could do.
Kiri finished wiping her ears and slumped over on the bed. Now that the worst effects of the potion were gone, she discovered that she did, in fact, feel a little better. Her head didn't feel as if it was filled with rock anymore, and... Kiri held a hand up to her forehead. Yes, it wasn't as hot anymore as before. Except...
She sat up again, looking around. A large sink made of stone had been let into the wall opposite her. Kiri slid off the bed and crossed the room. The sink had a huge silver tap, and, after turning it, Kiri simply pressed her lips at its mouth and gulped down some cold water. That made her feel even better - now she'd got rid of the Pepperup Potion's taste as well!
The only remaining problem was the effect of its warmth, and a triple dose at that. Kiri was sweaty and clammy all over; the way her clothes were sticking to her felt pretty gruesome... Well, she considered, she
was in the Hospital Wing! She slipped behind one of the examination curtains that could be pulled around each bed to give the occupant some privacy, and quickly slipped out the topmost layers of her clothes. Taking out her wand, Kiri pointed it at herself to dry the sweat - the result wasn't perfect, but it would do until she was able to take a proper bath.
Buttoning up her blouse, she made sure she'd holstered her wand, then, after a last glance to check that she hadn't left any used tissues or similar things behind, Kiri left the room, throwing a glance into the waiting room on her way out to see what was happening there.