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Repeatedly glancing back at the door she had just come through as if somebody was following her - which just for the record wasn't happening (hopefully) - Nancy continued to chew on her lower lip. What if something had happened to Oliver yet again? Why had she left him like that, totally defenseless?! Guh! She could be so stupid at times. She didn't even know if he had his wand on him. Or if he was in any state of being able to use it.
The anxious look in her eyes had intensified as the Healer finally turned to face her. "It's Oliver." Okay, she probably didn't know who that was but that was irrelevant at the moment. "He...he...he's down in teh Dungeon Corridor. I found him in the Common Room. Covered in blood. And there's this huuuuge burn across his body. And...and...there's a bald patch right behind his ear!" At the last sentence Nancy gulped noisily. This was just so scary.
"And he refused to come to the Hospital Wing." She finished, giving the Healer another pleading look. "You need to help me."
Gabriella didn't know who Oliver was, so she was only left to assume he was the boyfriend of the girl who was frantically alerting her to... "Covered in blood?!?! A
fifth child has been severely injured?" she asked, her voice showing far more worry than she intended it to. She didn't like to get overly excited in front of the students, as she found it caused far more chaos for anyone's own good.
"I'll see to it right away. Come along, you can lead the way," she said, realizing she'd need to leave right away. She was definitely going to the Headmaster about the recent injuries she was tending to.