Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
"Not very much people are fond of medicine, regardless of whether or not it's a potion or some muggle-type remedy. It's not easy being ill," she said, giving the girl an apologetic look. For a moment, Gabriella thought the girl was going to spit the potion right on out her mouth, but at the last second, it was properly consumed.
Her apologetic look had just faded away when the girl asked about taking the second dose of potion. The truth of the matter was that the dose would need to be taken now. She'd give the girl a minute or two to compose herself, but that last time she'd given a student that liberty, they'd run from the Hospital Wing in return. Jake Upstead had still not taken that last dose.
In reply, Gabriella passed the second phial to Kiri. "Drink up," she said.
Kiri's ears were itchy. She really wanted to scratch, but the last time after taking Pepperup Potion, she'd basically scalded her fingers on the steam rising from her ears. Instead, she drummed them on the surface of the bed she was sitting on, wishing very much she was able to twitch her ears.
To distract herself, Kiri watched the healer prepare potions for Herminny. As they disappeared down the girl's throat, she wondered idly if any of them tasted as bad as the Pepperup, and decided that they probably did not.
Would Kiri have switched her flu for a pair of cat ears and the ability to sniff out rat farts?
Maybe not. But she was going to make very sure that, from now on, she would wear a thick scarf when hopping onto a broomstick. When Healer Ashford was done with Herminny, she turned around and walked over to Kiri's bed again. "It's not easy being ill," Kiri confirmed, nodding, "but I'm especially, er, not fond of Pepperup. I... had to take a lot of it two terms ago, and I've got some memories connected to that that I'd rather not be reminded of." She took the second phial, popped the cork out and, squeezing her eyes shut so tightly that stars flashed in front of them, gulped down the potion.