♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ He'd been fine all the way down the seventh floor. It was only on the staircase that the feeling of nausea had started to win out. By the time he was half-way down the stairs, he knew that he was not going to make it to his common room. Feet picking up their pace, Raiden all but sprinted into the bathroom, hand flying up to cover his mouth. He was not going to make it.
Practically kicking the stall door open, Raiden didn't even bother to close the door behind him before he dropped to his knees and vomited.
After he was through with that, he reached one arm behind him and slowly pushed the stall door closed, not reaching for the latch. He just... stayed there like that, hand pressed against the door to keep it shut, his breathing slowly correcting itself as he fought to calm down.
Never before had someone's actions actually disgusted him to the point of throwing up. A good fifteen minutes passed, with Raiden just sitting there, before he finally deemed his stomach alright. Getting to his feet, he pulled the door open, tidied himself up, washed his face and hands in the sink, and left the bathroom, only feeling slightly better than he had when he'd come in. |