Chapter Two: Part Two "It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not." Here is part number two of chapter two. Enjoy =)
Dumbledore sat starring at me for a couple of minutes. While I knew I could read his mind if I wanted to, I decided I didn't really want to know what was going through his head at the moment.
"Do you know why I am asking you to do this for me?" asked Dumbledore.
"No sir," I said, looking at the smooth feathers on the phoenix.
"I believe that Voldemort is going to try to get inside Harry's mind using their connection. I am hoping that by distancing myself from Harry Voldemort might be less tempted to pursue that avenue to get information about myself and the order."
I nodded my head. Harry and Voldemort's connection was something that I didn't completely understand, its magic going further than anything that I had learned about in school so far.
"You may not be aware of this, but Voldemort does not know of your abilities, or that you are a phoenix animagi."
"I didn't know that. Do you think he would be able to sense me being in Harry's mind all the time?"
"No. You see that is what makes you more valuable than a wizard who can perform occulmency. Voldemort will not be able to sense your presence as all. That is why even when you enter someone's mind by accident they are unaware of it. Phoenix animagis can enter the mind without leaving a trace."
I nodded my head. I guess that was why Harry hadn't recognized on the carriage that I had seen his fantasy for lack of a better word.
"Abby, I can understand how you feel like you are going to be betraying a friend, but I assure you if there was any other way to keep a tab on Harry's mind without making my presence there known, I would use it."
"No, I understand Professor. If it's going to help Harry or protect him from Voldemort, than I will do everything I can to help."
Dumbledore smiled softly and nodded his head. "Is Harry aware of your interest in him?"
Somehow, unbeknownst to myself, I prevented my cheeks from turning red. I shook my head slightly, turning my gaze back to the phoenix which was now humming a soft song near my ear.
"I do believe Phawx enjoys your company," said Dumbledore with a small chuckle.
I smiled, as I leaned in closer so that I could hear the song clearly.
"You know, if you close your eyes and concentrate, you might be able to understand what the song is all about. It is when Phawx sings that I wish I was a phoenix animagi, just so I could understand what phoenixes sing about."
"Phawx sings about peace mostly," I said, closing my eyes so that the music was all that I could hear. "A world where people wouldn't even think to use magic for dark causes."
"I would love a place like that."
We sat in silence for a couple of moments, listening to Phawx sing. When Phawx finished Dumbledore rose from his chair and gestured that I do the same.
"I am sure you are tired and need to go unpack your things. I will be sending you a letter even Saturday for the time we should meet on Sunday. Use your discretion on what you think I need to know, and what is best kept in Harry's head."
I nodded my head and headed towards the door. I paused, my hand on the door knob, and turned back to Dumbledore.
"Professor what should I do about Professor Umbridge?"
"Ah, yes...Dolores. I would advise that you be somewhat tentative to her thoughts as well, that way if you find her trying to make her move so to speak, you can be prepared."
"Alright sir."
"I am now at a great debt to you Abby, and I don't think I will ever be able to repay you."
I smiled at him softly, before opening the door, and descending down the steps, and back into a world of thoughts and confusion.
__________________ 'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know 
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go |