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Old 02-09-2010, 03:52 PM   #96 (permalink)
Formerly: moonyroxs

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Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!

Melanie made mental notes on some of the tactics the two duelers used. She jotted down some of the comments of the other spectators, but didn't make any of her own. Melanie was uncharacteristically quite as she watched the duel. As one of the students pointed out, it hardly seemed fair... what with Cela having a full blown advantage over Tibi, knowning non-verbal spells and having years more of magical education behind her.

But, Duskurk claimed that was the point. What he was saying certainly made sense. Her dad always said life wasn't fair... All parents said that. Sadly enough, it was the truth. Now, according to Professor Duskurk, the rest of the class would have to face the unfairness of it all, as well, in their own duels.

She wasn't too bad with her wand, but she wasn't exactly wonderful either... Melanie knew she couldn't be too great at dueling yet if non-verbals were as vital as the Professor said. She'd never even attempted one, being a fourth year. Of course, it probably wouldn't matter if she was paired with a first year. According to the Duskurk's guidelines to ensure their duel was unjust, she needed to duel a seventh year or a firstie...

And she was actually fairly excited about it... though the slightest bit nervous at the same time. "I'm a fourth year!" Melanie announced promptly, scanning the room for either the youngest members of the student body at Hogwarts...or the oldest.

Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna View Post
Ivory didn't know what emotion to let reign. Fear because of course she'd be dueling someone three years her elder or elation because she'd finally be able to do what she'd seen her cousins do for ages every summer when she visited her mom's family.

There, it was pretty much the family sport to watch the older ones practice dueling with eachother while the younger ones learned from observation or learned fencing from her grandfather.

But then again watching was nothing compared to actually doing it.

Immediately the more she thought about it the more nervous she began.

And nervousness gradually gave way to terror.

Trying not to whimper out loud, she stepped forward a bit from the tight knit group of her friends and said aloud, "If there's any fourth year who's not taken already would...well if it's not too much trouble....umm...mind dueling with me?"

She hoped she had spoken the last bit so quietly that no one heard and then everyone would be partnered and then she wouldn't have to duel!

Cherishing this thought like a talisman, she squinted her eyes hoping.
Someone needed a fourth year! Melanie whipped her head over as she heard the soft whimper to see a small girl... She looked young; probably a firstie.

"Me! I'll duel with you!"
she offered enthusiastically. Melanie made her way over to the girl, wand held tightly in her right hand. "Pleased to meet you...Melanie Lockhart, Fourth Year, Hufflepuff." It was nice to have manners before you hexed someone, right? Not really knowing what else to say to the girl, Melanie took a few steps back, toward a more open space so they had room, and then she bowed.

The younger of the two would at least get the advantage of casting the first spell of the duel.
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