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Marie ran into the Great Hall hoping to find Evan. She had a huge smile and her eyes were sparkling with excitement. She wanted to tell him all about the race between the Slytherin girls and the Gryffindor boys. Looking around she finally spotted him sitting with......who was he with? Sitting next to him she said "Hey, I've been looking for you, you won't beleive what just happened." She was so excited she almost reached out and hugged him but stopped herself before it happened. No need in getting oters talking if they seen her give him a hug.
Looking at the girl across from him she did a double take. "Violet, is that you? Why did you change your hair and what's with the dress?"
Was that coming Marie? Yes it was! Evan would recognise that blond hair from 100 metres. A smile appeared on his face as he watched her to approach fast. He blushed a little when he realised she almost hugged him, and coughed so lightly into her ear that only she could hear for warning.
"What happened?" he asked, his tone matching hers. What could have happened that excited her so much?
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Nicoletta didn't know how to be clearer. "It's just gonna take some getting used to." Spotting Marie, Nicoletta said. "Hey sorry about the whole fight thing, it wasn't my fight and I should've just stayed out of it." she apologized. Realizing Evan was there, Nicoletta said. "Sorry, I've been completely ignoring you haven't I? How are you?"
Then, finally, Nicoletta realised him. Hmpf. Wait, what fighting? Evan turned his asking blue eyes to Marie. Why was she fighting? And more importantly, to
whom? Hearing Nicoletta's apology, he forced a smile. He wasn't on his day to snap and argue.
"I'm fine, thanks. You?" Polite enough?
Okay, he saw Violet, made peace, he even talked to Nicoletta. Now, could he and Marie excuse themselves and be away?