hot pink tub lols <.< >,> v.v ^,^! Ivory sat up alert now that the professor had entered the room. Not able to resist, her arm lifted slightly and she gave him a small wave and hesitant smile. Surely young ladies could wave right?...well maybe she should change hers to a feminine caress of the air rather than the giddy flutter that was her hand now. Oh well too late now, a wave could only go on for so long after all. Maybe this wasn't the right time...
Hopefully, he remembered her, if not well maybe she could make a better impression this time around. Although thinking about it this was not the ideal circumstances. At least she'd been attempting to clean with the small bottle of Mrs. Scower's Magical Mess Remover that her mother had given her when he walked in and not doing anything inappropriate like throwing ingredients at Peeves. Which she was pretty sure had been a not so far away prospect, considering he'd thrown things at everyone. Merlin's toes, it was a good thing she'd been practicing her shield charm so that it had held up against everything he'd thrown or else she'd be soaked in nose and gum goop like many others.
Nodding along with everyone else, she added her own voice to the masses. "Sir it was in fact Peeves, although it'd be a blatant lie if you weren't aware of the fact that some would say he was provoked by us towards the end causing most of what you see. Some of us...well we shouldn't have answered some of his questions. We should've known no good would've come from it."
Her eyes downcast, she realized that although she hadn't been one to instigate she was probably going to be blamed along with everyone else. Such was usually the way of things because Ivory did not want to point fingers, but she was using the term 'us' as loosely as possible.
Last edited by Ivy Nienna; 02-07-2010 at 04:41 AM.
Reason: typo had=hadn't