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Old 02-07-2010, 04:14 AM   #149 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Westeros [EST]
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caffeine princess ♬ lunchbox adventurer ❀ little rose

Originally Posted by ♦ Peeves ♦ View Post
Peeves fell to his knees, fake-sobbing.

"JIMMMMMMMY!!!!!" he cried, holding up a thoroughly soaked old notebook. "DON'T YOU DIE ON ME JIMMY!!! NOT ON MY WATCH!" he began to perform chest... er.. cover?-compressions as though performing CPR... then stopped at the mention of the Baron.

"He's dead... Jimmy's dead! And you killed him. YOU!" he pointed to Nicoletta. "And you helped!" he said, pointing to Allison and Jacob. "MURDERERS! MURDERERS IN THE CLASSROOM! THEY KILLED JIMMMMY!!!!!! I'm going to TELL!"

And with that, he vanished.
Nicoletta crossed her legs and sat back in her seat. He's gone!!! Finally!! "Amen to that." she muttered. She pulled her potions book back out and continued her process of self learning. You read, then you reword it, then you read it again so it makes sense. A tiresome process really, but it was effective.
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