Wonky Knee Madiison pouted and nearly stomped her feet. He MISSED her spell. MISSED it! Urgh! And she had reacted so quickly too! Merlin, this boy was good.
But Di was better. Yes, she was.
Madiison sighed with relief when his disarming spell bounced off her shield and, JUST as she was about to drop her shield and throw a spell at him, she found another spark coming her way. Why, you sneaky, you! It was pure luck that she missed it. Pure luck, that he had sent the spell her way too fast. Or she would have been doing whatever it was that spell would have made her do.
FOCUS, Madiison. FOCUS.
Taking in a deep breath and with her shield still up, she was NOT taking any chances with this boy, the little red head let her gaze wander around the arena, looking for anything she could use to distract him enough that would distract him enough to get rid of his shield charm.
And then, pointing her wand at the stand behind the boy, the girl flicked her wand theatrically and yelled, "Bombarda!" Ignoring the KABOOM that followed, along with the bits and pieces of the empty stand the spell hit, she pointed her want back at the boy and followed her last dramatic display with "Obscuro!" This would be handy if it hit him - he wouldn't be able to see any other spell coming to him from that point on!
Well, at least until the spell wore off. |