Thread: Harry Potter: Hugo - Sa16+
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Old 02-06-2010, 04:59 AM   #16 (permalink)
princess of*hp*
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Amadeus Alfred Kipling
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This is AMAZING! It's writing like this that inspires me to work on my own sa16+ fic.
In my opinion, your writing is right up there with SenoritaMaxie's and mionegrlgwp's. <3
I also love that this is about Hugo, one of the more ignored members of the new generation. Most people focus on Rose, Albus, Teddy or Victoire, but you chose him and make him seem VERY interesting. I have a strange feeling about that little blondie.

Anywhooo, keep up the great work and, of course, PAMSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

- Mel
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